ARRL ANTENNA BOOK - 23RD EDITION ARRL MODELING FILES 1. This set of EZNEC modeling files represent many of the antennas discussed in the Antenna Book. The models are grouped in folders named for the type of antenna they represent. The models in the folder names "Chapter 8 Modeling Example Files " can be opened by any version of EZNEC 5.0 or 6.0, the demo version of EZNEC 6.0, or EZNEC-ARRL 4.0 or EZNEC-ARRL 5.0, the free EZNEC demonstration software included with previous editions of the Antenna Book. Free EZNEC demo software is available at To use these files, run EZNEC and click the OPEN button, use the Browse window to navigate to these files and then select one of the files. Specially signed example files originally created for EZNEC-ARRL can be recognized by the file name prefix "ARRL_". When one of these files is opened, EZNEC operation changes as follows: 1. The segment limit is raised to 500, and the "File" line in the main window changes color to indicate this 500 segment mode. 2. Combine and Import options are disabled. All other model files can be loaded by EZNEC versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, as well as EZNEC-PRO. Those versions of EZNEC are not subject to the 20-segment limit for EZNEC-ARRL 4.0 and 5.0. If you are using EZNEC-ARRL and wish to use the more complex model files, EZNEC software can be obtained at 2. MANUAL COPY OF ARRL ANTENNA MODELING FILES TO EZNEC ARRL PROGRAM FILES ARRL Antenna Modeling Files are installed with a Typical Antenna Book setup and may be installed with a Custom Antenna Book setup. The default folder for the modeling files is [filename]. Once the Antenna Modeling Files are installed, they can be accessed by EZNEC using the File > Open menu operation. They may also be manually copied from the CD-ROM folder [filename] into the EZNEC Program Files folder.