‰ Now 18 WPM transition file follows ‰ In a wide ranging Report and Order released June 9 that takes various proceedings into consideration, the FCC has revised the Amateur Service Part 97 rules to grant credit for written examination elements 3, General, and 4, Amateur Extra, to holders of expired licenses that required passage of those elements. The FCC will require former licensees, those falling outside the 2 year grace period, to pass Element 2, Technician, in order to be relicensed, however. The Commission declined to give examination credit to the holder of an expired Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination, CSCE, or to extend its validity to the holders lifetime. The Report and Order may be found on the web in PDF format at, //transition.fcc.gov/ . Our decision to grant credit for written examination Elements 3 and 4 for expired licenses that required passage of those elements will provide some relief for former General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra class licensees, the FCC said, and is consistent with how we treat expired pre 1987 Technician class licensees who want to reenter the Amateur Service. Pre 1987 Techs can get Element 3 credit, since the Technician and General class written examinations in that era were identical. The Commission said current rules and procedures that apply to expired pre 1987 Technician licenses are sufficient to verify that an individual is a former licensee under our new rules. The Commission said that requiring applicants holding expired licenses to pass Element 2 in order to relicense will address commenters concerns about lost proficiency and knowledge, because a former licensee will have to demonstrate that he or she has retained knowledge of technical and regulatory matters. The FCC said the Element 2 requirement also would deter any attempts by someone with the same name as a former licensee to obtain a ham ticket without examination. In 1997 the FCC, in the face of opposition, dropped a proposal that would have generally allowed examination element credit for expired amateur operator licenses. In the past, the FCC has maintained that its procedures provide ample notification and opportunity for license renewal and that retesting did not impose an unreasonable burden. The issue arose again in 2011, with a request from the Anchorage Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. The new rules become effective 30 days after their publication in The Federal Register, which is expected to happen this week. ‰ End of 18 WPM transition file ‰