OPERATING AND LICENCE CONDITIONS FOR FOREIGN RADIO AMATEURS (CEPT MEMBERS AND COUNTRIES IMPLEMENTING CEPT T/R 61-01 ONLY) VISITING TURKEY As it is mentioned of the letters written by Republic Of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Customs and Republic Of Turkey Telecommunications Authority; if radio amateurs visit Turkey for less than three months, in accordance with Recommendation CEPT T/R 61-/01, they can show their own licence at customs, with no need to prepare any paperwork for their transmitters and equipment. If they want to stay in Turkey for more than three months, they can get by application a special callsign, valid for one year, from Republic Of Turkey Telecommunications Authority Regional Directorates. The Undersecretariat of Customs has sent the circular of 15.03.02 (05481) with number B.02.1.GUM. to all its regional directories in this matter. Please carry a copy of this information with you. A reference in turkish language is attached in the following column. (GUMRUK MUSTESARLIGININ TUM BASMUDURLUKLERE YOLLADIGI SIRKULERIN TARIHI 15.03.02 (05481) VE NUMARASI B.02.1.GUM. 'DIR)