Welcome to ARRL's Media Library Upload Page.

Thanks for uploading a file to the ARRL Library. We will review the submitted material and get back to you with any questions or concerns.

Step 1: Tell us about yourself:
Fields in bold are required:

Your full name(First, Last):

Your call sign:




Zip Code:


Phone Number:

E-mail address:

Step 2: Tell us about the file you're submitting:

File Type (For now, ARRL only allows the following file types: MP3, WAV, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PDF)

Title of Presentation:

Other authors or creators:

This checkbox is required: By uploading materials (text, images, audio, video, etc) to the ARRL Web, I agree to grant ARRL nonexclusive rights to republish these materials in any ARRL media. I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the materials. I also affirm that I have, or have obtained, all rights necessary to distribute the submitted materials and no third party consents are necessary.

Notes: (include anything you think ARRL staff need to know about this file)

If you are having trouble submitting your file please call: 860-594-0200