Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns,
antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.
Topic |
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(Stealth) Downspout Antenna Fed with 450 Ohm Ladder Line and a MFJ 901b Antenna Tuner
Jul 6th 2016, 00:25 |
1 |
6,781 |
on 6/7/16
by K9ZUT
"wacky"? SWR readings on tuning antennae.. Help??
Dec 2nd 2018, 18:36 |
3 |
6,781 |
on 3/12/18
constructing air baluns
Jul 10th 2012, 14:19 |
1 |
6,775 |
on 10/7/12
by AA2ID
440 copper loop antenna
jimvw57 |
Apr 7th 2019, 21:51 |
3 |
6,774 |
on 21/4/19
by jimvw57
Newbie with hand built 10m dipole
Feb 18th 2014, 13:45 |
6 |
6,756 |
on 19/2/14
by K1BBB
random wire antenna
Aug 20th 2014, 22:29 |
2 |
6,752 |
on 21/8/14
by W1VT
antenna close to metal roof: effects?
KO0Y |
Jan 9th 2017, 14:52 |
3 |
6,743 |
on 9/1/17
by KO0Y
indoor antenna
0001529375H80 |
Nov 14th 2016, 00:53 |
1 |
6,714 |
on 14/11/16
by 0001529375H80
Tree Mounting for a New Ham
Captndond |
Apr 5th 2013, 18:51 |
1 |
6,710 |
on 5/4/13
by Captndond
160 M
Feb 17th 2019, 23:00 |
2 |
6,703 |
on 18/2/19
by W1VT
Looking for 4NEC2 file simulating Trap-diploe 10/15/20 m
Ziegenpeter |
Dec 25th 2013, 23:51 |
1 |
6,696 |
on 25/12/13
by Ziegenpeter
Antenna Wire Size
May 10th 2013, 20:50 |
4 |
6,694 |
on 12/5/13
by W0RPS
Difference between driven element and parasitic traps
KE0Z |
Aug 10th 2019, 18:37 |
1 |
6,683 |
on 10/8/19
by KE0Z
Q on dBi, dBd & dB(nothing) vendor data?
xof7fox |
Nov 20th 2014, 20:31 |
2 |
6,683 |
on 21/11/14
by W1VT
Need advice for burying radials
ag7ov |
Sep 12th 2018, 19:38 |
5 |
6,681 |
on 26/9/18
by W1AAF
2m/70cm Vertical antennas
Apr 16th 2016, 02:41 |
3 |
6,677 |
on 1/5/16
(Stealth) Downspout Antenna Fed with 450 Ohm Ladder Line and a MFJ 901b Antenna Tuner
Jul 5th 2016, 23:58 |
1 |
6,666 |
on 5/7/16
by K9ZUT
80 meter antenna for an apartment.
0001490519H80 |
Oct 14th 2016, 22:23 |
1 |
6,664 |
on 14/10/16
by 0001490519H80
Chameleon Mag loop good for NVIS?
0001490519H80 |
Nov 19th 2017, 13:53 |
1 |
6,658 |
on 19/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Antennas and trees
K6hmp |
Aug 28th 2019, 23:56 |
4 |
6,657 |
on 4/10/19
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Technology >> Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
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