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RFI from LED Lights

Mar 13th 2014, 18:03


Joined: Apr 29th 1998, 00:00
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I am assisting a group from CAL Fire who are experiencing problems with RFI from some new LED Lights they installed on their dozers which are interfering with their radio whenever they turn the lights on.

My first thoughts are to put some ferrite beads on the power leads for the lights, and also on the coax for the radio. But I'm not certain which ones to use, or where the best place is to get them.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Mar 14th 2014, 17:47


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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We have run into the same thing in our shop on some new police vehicles. We tried many RFI reduction measures and none worked. We discovered that the LED lights weren't "wearing" the appropriate part 15 certification stickers. We replaced them and all was well. Check to be sure they have the appropriate agency and FCC certification.

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