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Proper second location call

Jun 28th 2014, 11:17


Joined: Apr 9th 2013, 21:28
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I recently set up a second amateur station at my weekend house. SInce the license location (and resulting QRZ searches) show my primary residence, how do I properly identify myself when I'm at this second amateur station location? I could use "slash portable" I suppose (KC9YRX/p), but doesn't that imply that I am out in the field? Some stations use like "slash-one" but doesn't that mean a difference license zone?

I'm just a year into my general ticket, and I have so much respect for this hobby, I always want to do it properly.

Jul 31st 2014, 21:05


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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You can use portable for any station away from your main location. Since the station address can be a P.O. box or any place you receive mail, any place you operate from is your "main" station location, even if you don't own the equipment! When the FCC did away with specifying a physical station location in the '80s, as I recall, your main station is wherever you are.

People will often indicate portable when it will assist others locating them with a directional antenna. For example, with modern logging programs using various databases for determining where a station is located based on the license address, many ops will use "portable/mobile x" to indicate they are operating outside the call district they normally operating from to assist others who may be using directional antennas.

As there is no regulatory requirement to do so in FCC regulated areas, signing portable/mobile is a courtesy to others.

73, Nate

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