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No response on LotW certificate renewal request

Aug 20th 2014, 16:17


Joined: May 18th 2013, 16:57
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Hello everybody,

I got an email from LotW that my TQSL certificate will expire.
So, I tried to request a renewal as per the instructions.

The log in my TQSL program showed the correct forwarding, however
I never received an email with a new cert. as was indicated in the instructions.

I tried this once more, yet no response. I replied to the original email, but
also no response.

I agree that it's a bit early to ring the alarm bell, but It'll be September
before I know it, and to not renew in time means losing the certificate!

Does anyone know how I can jump-start this renewal?
Thanks for reading, and apologies if this topic doesn't belong in the forum.

Kind Regards,
Aug 20th 2014, 22:30


Joined: May 18th 2013, 16:57
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Hi, it's me again.
Got the response (and tq6-file) just now,
but it doesn't process on my pc.

Think I'll have to let it expire, and then start the whole nuisance again.

Aug 21st 2014, 19:55


Joined: May 18th 2013, 16:57
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Problem solved!

I requested a new TQ6 file, got it and this one processed properly.
Don't know what was wrong with the first one, but I'm a happy ham
again, (at least for the next three years hi).


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