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field day What is it about?

Apr 11th 2015, 04:06


Joined: Feb 12th 2012, 00:58
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I thought field day was to practice for emergency set up, making contacts having a good time with fellow club members and guests not arguing about the food who's going to cook it ,back up power , washrooms ect. I thought having a new field day area each year was part of the practice of field day . If not why not just stay at home and operate from there. Or do I have the wrong idea of the meaning of field day.
Apr 14th 2015, 14:05


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Sounds like your group has let the "logistics" of field day get in the way of the true purpose of Field Day.
Apr 20th 2015, 15:39


Joined: Sep 2nd 2003, 12:14
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Once a club finds a location that works well for Field Day, it's quite natural that they will return to that site year after year.

I usually alternate between participating with my club one year, and then operating solo the next year. When I operate with the club, I chafe at the limitations I have to operate under, and when I go solo, I miss the camaraderie! Regardless, Field Day is always my favorite weekend of the year!
Oct 17th 2015, 04:42


Joined: Aug 4th 2015, 08:01
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We have a few clubs in my area. Some of the members of a particular club are quarrelsome. I avoid them. I had to "shop around" a bit until I found a great club. We share responsibilities based on members' abilities/preferences, like who chooses the location, who brings the food, who cooks it, who helps with set up and take down, etc. Now, Field Day is a blast! Hope you find some people with the same priorities as you, and who embody the true spirit of Field Day!

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