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Good vertical antenna

Sep 19th 2021, 18:39


Joined: Sep 6th 2019, 19:20
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Anyone give me some help with finding a good vertical antenna. I am new to ham radio. I have a FTDX 3000 receiver and a Heath SB1000 amp so would need one to handle the power. The vertical antenna I have has terrible SWR and cannot handle the linear amp. I was thinking of the Husler 6 band antenna. thanks
Oct 21st 2021, 15:24


Joined: Oct 21st 2021, 15:06
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Hi, I was fortunate enough to find a Butternut HF-9V, the radial plate and several hundred feet of radial wire on craiglist for a couple hundred dollars. The antenna did take about 3 days of cleaning to get the paint of of it. I'm running a FTDX-10 with no amplifier mostly on FT-8 and have reached almost 10,000 miles never at or near my radios max power. New it is expensive at around $750 and it isnt an antenna I would purchase without an antenna analyzer as it's a bear to tune. i spent days on it but I can go from band to band without antenna tuner with the exception of 17m and 12m which does need atu help.
Oct 22nd 2021, 07:59


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DX Engineering has detailed instructions for the Hustler 5BTV and 6BTV verticals for free download. It may help to see what is involved before purchasing to properly plan the installation.

Zak W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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