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Ham programming

Dec 4th 2011, 23:22


Joined: Nov 16th 2011, 11:36
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
I've been thinking about some of the ham programming opportunities (building Mac tools and getting into microcontrollers). What tools and libraries are considered some of the better ones out there, or are more widely used? I have no problem reinventing the wheel, especially if it will speed my understanding of radio and electronics. My background is mainly software (database and application development) with a little hardware and no electronics experience. Are there versions of PIC that are preferred? Is PIC used more than C/C++ for microcontroller programming? The platform will be Macintosh, though I might try a few Windows experiments. I'm less interested in getting fully operational packages than writing my own, but would consider getting libraries (API, etc) that would facilitate the move to the ham world.

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