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Which Wire for 40 meters

May 21st, 10:14


Joined: Mar 6th 2016, 23:42
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Hello all. I'm about to put up a dipole for my first HF attempt with my IC 705. I have dwindled the potential wire down to 18 or 20-gauge stranded copper, copper clad aluminum or solid copper wire. Any recommendations?
May 21st, 17:51


Joined: Oct 23rd 2020, 15:14
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I have used all kinds of wire for dipoles. Either of those you listed will work fine for an antenna so long as it doesn't break. Your antenna wire usually supports the feedline and balun (if you have one). The weight of the feed can stretch or break the wire in some cases.

I am currently using 14 gage stranded copper on my 40-10 meter fan dipole (it is what I had handy). I like using solid copper better though.


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