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2 meter antenna location

Jun 17th 2013, 14:41


Joined: Jun 17th 2013, 14:26
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I an deciding the best place to install my 2 meter vertical antenna. I know VHF is line of sight to the repeaters. My question is how far away do I need to be from lets say the roof of my house. I am installing a 20 foot mast to place the 9 foot high antenna on but the top of the roof is still higher than the antenna which will block the line of sight repeaters.
Will this be a problem or need I move the antenna 20 feet or so away from the house?
Yes I am new to ham radio operations.

Thank you
Jun 18th 2013, 12:55


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It depends on the roofing materials and the radio path. Aluminum foil backed insulation can block or reflect your radio signal. But, at 2M, many roofing materials are reasonably transparent--you can expect to get a signal through asphalt shingle roof with only a small amount of signal degradation. The path also matters--with a good line of sight path you can afford to lose a good deal of signal and still get through.

An way to find out may be to operate from your attic with an HT, and compare it with operating outside. If it works better outside, you may find it advantageous to move the antenna away from the house.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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