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Date-Time of Postings

Nov 11th 2013, 16:34


Joined: Aug 12th 2009, 13:29
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
I haven't checked the forums in awhile, so I did a scan of the top level to see which forums and sub-forums had new info. But the format of the dates listed for the latest posting has me a bit puzzled. Some of them are in the form of "x days, yy hours ago", "q hours, ww minutes ago," and "z weeks ago," but others appear to be some kind of day/month/year format -- I recognize "7/10/13" as a standard US format, but some appear to be non-US -- for example, "22/8/13" and 28/6/13". And some appear to be neither -- "1/1/70" appears twice.

How about picking a format, explaining it, and sticking with it???

John DE K5JY

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