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Explore Radio Scouting at the 2009 ARRL National Convention


Of the many exciting displays in the ARRL EXPO at the 2009 ARRL National Convention at the Dayton Hamvention, the Scout Radio Outpost is eagerly anticipated by youth and adults alike. According to Brian Walker, K9BKW, Scout Leaders will again be reaching out to ham radio operators to encourage them to provide Amateur Radio opportunities to Boy Scouts back in their home towns. Walker and a team of Scouters will host the Outpost, answering questions and provide amateurs with resources about Radio Scouting.

"Ham Radio has such a huge impact on the quality of a Scouting program. From bringing Scouts around the world together, to providing event communications and safety, to building a Scout's foundation to become America's future technicians, engineers and scientists. You, the local elmer willing to help out, can really make a difference by getting involved with your local Scout organizations," said Walker, an Eagle Scout, past Scoutmaster, District Commissioner and currently Venturing Crew 272 Advisor (WB9SA).

At the Outpost, amateurs can learn how to teach the Radio merit badge and help their local Scouts participate in Scouting's largest annual event, the Jamboree on the Air (JOTA). "Each October, more than half a million Scouts around the world talk to each other via Amateur Radio," Walker said. "We will show hams Tips on how they can let Scouts in their hometowns participate in this exciting on-the-air event."

Murphy, KC8BEW, of BSA's Muskingum Valley Council said that hams visiting the Outpost can also learn about a new program being developed for 2010's 100th birthday of the Boy Scouts of America: "Scout Camps on the Air (SCOTA) promises to be a fun way for hams to help encourage Amateur Radio operations at Scout camps and other large Scouting events. Murphy is coordinating the SCOTA program.

Walker said that last year's Radio Scouting booth was well received. "Scouts and Scouters from around the world stopped by to share experiences and exchange ideas," he said. "Ham Scouters involved in the 2008 effort are excited to be sharing space with the ARRL and are hoping to make this year's activity an even greater success. So stop by the ARRL display area and visit the Scout Radio outpost to learn how you can help interested Scouts to become the next generation of hams."



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