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Microwave Update 2017 Issues Call for Papers, Presentations


Microwave Update (MUD) 2017 has issued a call for papers and presentations on the technical and operational aspects of microwave Amateur Radio communication. The Call for Papers link on the MUD website lists suggested topics and explains how to submit papers and presentations.

Selected presentations for the technical program may be delivered in person or by proxy. Submissions are due by September 12; alert MUD organizers as soon as possible with proposals.

Microwave Update 2017 will be held on October 26-29 in Santa Clara, California. MUD is an annual international conference dedicated to microwave equipment design, construction, and operation. It is focused on, but not limited to, Amateur Radio on the microwave bands. There will be a 2-day technical program along with a microwave test lab, vendors, swap meets, and a banquet.

Visit the MUD website for more information. — Thanks to Mike Lavelle, K6ML, MUD 2017 Technical Program



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