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Texas Group to Host International Earth-Moon-Earth Conference in August


The North Texas Microwave Society (NTMS) will host the 14th International EME Conference in Dallas, Texas on August 12-14. This is the first time the conference has been held in the US since 2004. Whether you are an experienced EMEer or new to EME, the conference will offer a wide range of technical, social and site-seeing activities. Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, President and Chief Executive Officer of FlexRadio, will be the lunchtime speaker on Friday, August 13; Nobel laureate Joe Taylor, K1JT, will speak about April’s 432 MHz EME event at Arecibo on Saturday, August 14. Presentations will include a noise figure workshop hosted by Al Ward, W5LUA, Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO, and Tony Emanuele, WA8RJF, as well as an EME demonstration by Paul Perryman, WA5WCP, and exhibits featuring a number of dealers. The event will also feature tours for both attendees and their spouses to various historic sites around the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Organizers are still soliciting people to speak or submit articles for the conference’s Technical Proceedings. If interested, please contact Barry Malowanchuk, VE4MA, via e-mail. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Westin Hotel, a short shuttle ride from DFW Airport; rooms must be reserved by July 12 to take advantage of special rates.




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