12/01/2024 | W2W Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration
Dec 1-Dec 11, 1300Z-2200Z, W2W, Hunt Valley, MD. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) . 14.241 14.041 7.241 7.041. Certificate & QSL. ARCNEM, 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will operate W2W in commemoration of the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day and the role of electronics in WWII. Primary operation will be Dec 1-Dec 7 with additional operation possible during the Dec 8-Dec 11 period as operator availability permits. Operation on 80M (3.541, 3.841) and digital modes possible during event. Frequencies +/- according to QRM. QSL and Certificate available via SASE; details at ww-2.us ww-2.us
12/12/2024 | Christmas City / WX3MAS
Dec 12-Dec 15, 1400Z-2200Z, WX3MAS, Nazareth, PA. Christmas City ARC. 14.265 7.270 3.850. QSL. Delaware-Lehigh ARC, 14 Gracedale Avenue, Greystone Building, Nazareth, PA 18064. Dec 12-15, 1400 to 2200 UTC; SSB, FT8 on appropriate frequencies. dlarc.club
12/14/2024 | Ike's UN Atoms for Peace Speech (1953)
Dec 14, 1400Z-2200Z, K3S, Baltimore, MD. Nuclear Ship Savannah ARC. 7.1 14.1 21.1 28.1. QSL. K3LU, 980 PATUXENT ROAD, Odenton, MD 21113. Single transmitter SSB and CW aboard N/S Savannah. Please check spotting networks for frequencies. Info on QRZ.com www.qrz.com/db/k3s
12/26/2024 | Battle of Trenton
Dec 26-Jan 2, 0059Z-0059Z, W2T, Trenton, NJ. Delaware Valley Radio Association. 14.280 21.280 28.430 7.220. Certificate & QSL. Delaware Valley Radio Association, PO Box 7024, Trenton, NJ 08628. www.w2zq.com
01/03/2025 | Battle of Princeton
Jan 3-Jan 12, 0059Z-0059Z, W2P, Trenton, NJ. Delaware Valley Radio Association. 14.280 21.280 28.430 7.220. Certificate & QSL. Delaware Valley Radio Association, PO Box 7024, Trenton, NJ 08628. www.w2zq.com
02/22/2025 | Calvert High School STEM Expo
Feb 22, 1600Z-2000Z, K3CAL, Prince Frederick, MD. Calvert Amateur Radio Assoc.. 14.220 14.270 14.305 14.330. QSL. Calvert Amateur Radio Assoc., P.O. Box 306, Huntingtown, MD 20639. k3cal.club
02/22/2025 | Knights of Columbus 125th Anniversary of the Fourth Degree
Feb 22-Feb 23, 0000Z-2359Z, NJ2KC, Bridgeton, NJ. New Jersey Knights of Columbus Amateur Radio Club. 14.3125 21.4125 7.2125 18.1125. Certificate & QSL. NJ2KC C/O Thomas M. Perrotti, 785 Vineland Ave, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. http:/www.NJ2KC.org
02/28/2025 | Beaver Valley ARA CW Roundup
Feb 28, 0000Z-0130Z, W3SGJ, Beaver, PA. Beaver Valley Amateur Radio Association. 28.040. Certificate. Rich Soltesz, K3SOM, 115 Brooks Dr., Beaver Falls, PA 15010. This event is to allow all classes of amateur radio operators, both new and old to participate and to encourage operators to get on the air for one evening to make CW contacts. Operation would be within the frequency range listed in the 10 meter band to enable Technicians to also participate. This 1½-hour event is not a contest. Rather, it is a celebration of our area newcomers new to CW, returners to the mode of CW, and listeners. https://www.qrz.com/db/W3SGJ