*September 19 SV SECTION NET ANNOUNCEMENT* On Thursday, September 19, 2024, ARRL Sacramento Valley Section will hold a Section Wide Net, first on the WD6AXM repeater atop Sutter Buttes near Yuba City on 146.085 MHz, plus 600 kHz offset, tone 127.3 Hz. Please wait for Net Control's specific call for the 2 meter ARRL SV Section Net once the 7 pm Yuba-Sutter ARES net has closed, usually around 7:20-7:30 pm Pacific Time. For those who are unable to access the WD6AXM repeater, our 80 meter HF net will commence on 3880 kHz LSB (+/- 3 kHz QRM) IMMEDIATELY after the VHF SV net signs off. Those who check in to the VHF net are encouraged to join the HF net if they are able. If you do not hear net control over your HF radio, please check in anyway and listen for net control to acknowledge you via the Half Moon Bay WebSDR at http://websdr1.kfsdr.com:8901/?tune=3880lsb&zoom=6 . Seasonal propagation changes cause us to move our HF net in autumn to 80 meters. All ARRL members, club presidents, Section appointees, and all appropriately licensed radio amateurs are encouraged to check in to the ARRL Sacramento Valley Section nets. Section News and items of regional and national interest to all radio amateurs will be the topics of discussion.ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Nets are conducted, only when announced via Official Bulletin and on www.arrlsacvalley.org, on the third Thursday of such months. All Sacramento Valley Section radio amateurs are welcome to check into our ARRL Section nets. The nets carry announcements of interest to our section and test our section-wide station communication capabilities.
Sacramento Valley
Contact Information
- Section Name:
- Sacramento Valley
- Contact:
- Dr. Carol Milazzo KP4MD
- Daytime Phone:
- (916) 259-3221
- Evening Phone:
- (916) 259-3221
- Email:
- kp4md@arrl.org
Basic Information
- Division:
- Pacific
- Alert:
- Description:
Upcoming Section Hamfests and Conventions
- September 21 - 7 am - WPARC Hamfest, McBean Park, Lincoln, CA
- October 12 - 8 am - Redding Hamfest, at Bentronics, 141 Locust St, Redding, CA
- October 18-20 - ARRL Pacificon Division Convention, San Ramon, CA
October 12, 2024 ARRL Amateur Radio Exhibit at the Rocklin Maker Faire
The ARRL Sacramento Valley Section will host a public outreach exhibit promoting Amateur Radio and our local clubs at the Rocklin Maker Faire at Sierra College in Rocklin, 5100 Rocklin Rd, Rocklin, CA 95677 on Saturday October 12, 2024 from 10 am - 3 pm. Admission and parking are free!
Participating ARRL Section Clubs will host displays of amateur radio equipment, antenna and DIY projects, Morse Code practice stations, and offering hands-on activities and opportunities for attendees to learn about many fascinating facets of amateur radio and to communicate on the air with amateur radio operators via an operational on-site Special Event Station N6M. The Rocklin Maker Faire will feature many other activities and exhibits of interest to the entire family and all ages.
We will offer literature and information on licensing, local clubs, the ARRL and amateur radio's role in community service, public safety, and promoting careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Llicensed radio amateurs interested in participating in our exhibit or for further information please email kp4md@arrl.org
September 21 WPARC Hamfest in Lincoln
Mark your calendars to attend the Western Placer ARC Hamfest at McBean Park in Lincoln on Saturday, September 21. The hamfest opens at 7 am and runs through 12 noon. Stop by and say hello at our ARRL Section booth. Download the Hamfest Flyer and more information at https://wparc.us
Carol Milazzo, KP4MD, ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Manager
Our Thursday evening, September 19, our ARRL Sacramento Valley Section HF Net will be conducted on 3880 kHz LSB +/- 3 kHz for QRM. Seasonal propagation changes cause us to move our HF net in autumn to 80 meters.
Section Manager arrl.org Email Address Restored. Please address email for the Sacramento Valley Section Manager to kp4md@arrl.org Thank you.
ARRL Urges Comments Against New Threat to the Amateur Radio 902-928 MHz Band
ARRL is preparing comments urging protection of existing and future amateur uses in the Amateur Radio 902-928 MHz Band
The FCC accepted for public comment a Petition for Rulemaking filed by NextNav Inc., a licensee in the 900-MHz Location and Monitoring Service (LMS), to completely reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band and replace the LMS with high-powered 5G cellular and related location services.
All amateurs are urged to file their own comments describing their activities in this band and the expected effect of the proposed changes:
MORE INFO tinyurl.com/2z6dvhwc
Laguna Creek High School Students earn Amateur Radio Licenses
On behalf of the ARRL I recently visited Eric Johnson, KN6TNH, at the Laguna Creek High School Amateur Radio Club. Eric J Johnson, KN6TNH, is the Lead Teacher at the Green Energy Technology Academy at Laguna Creek High School in Elk Grove, CA. ARRL awarded them a grant to build their own station to track and communicate with satellites and the ISS, to support teaching and licensing their students, and to design, build and launch a pico-satellite. On December 2, twenty of their students earned their amateur radio licenses at an on-site VE test session. Eric provided the following report. See photos at https://photos.app.goo.gl/q5aRyPzk7csFjhvg7
73, Carol Milazzo, KP4MD,
ARRL Sacramento Valley Section ManagerOur Story:
The Green Energy Technology Academy (GETA) at Laguna Creek High School in Elk Grove, CA, began in 2008 with the goal of introducing students to the technology of energy conversions: Solar Arrays, Wind and Water Turbines, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, and Biomass. An academy is a program within a school, where a themed CTE (career Technical Education) course is supported by two to three academic core classes each year. For example, in the sophomore year, GETA students take our hands-on CTE class (shop class) and also take GETA English, GETA World History, and GETA Physics. The other non-academy schedule slots are for our students to take their Health, PE, Language, and other graduation required courses.
As a bonus to our GETA students, we offer after school extracurricular club and leadership opportunities. On Mondays, Leadership, on Tuesdays, Solar Regatta, (A regional solar and battery powered boat racing competition sponsored by our local utility company-SMUD). On Wednesdays. Satellite and Rocketry activities (much more about this later) and on Thursdays (Hydrogen Powered RC racing- an international competition run by Horizon Educational call the H2GP- Hydrogen Grand Prix).
Two years ago, we were challenged to bring satellite technology into our curriculum. I did not know the first thing about satellites, but energy propagation, energy management, energy conversions, and energy storage all seemed to be a perfect fit into what we already did, so we accepted the challenge.
Back in 2003-2006, my AP Physics students launched rockets with Amateur Rocketry Clubs in the TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge) and with NASA in the SLI (Student Launch Initiative), and in that season, we met Bob Twiggs. Bob was a Stanford professor who co-invented the CubeSat and used it as a platform to teach satellite basics to his Stanford grad students. So, with the challenge in front of us, we reached out to Bob, and he was excited to hear from us. It had been nearly 17 years. He explained that he had retired and started his own educational company (Twiggs Space Lab) specializing in STEM modules that took students from simple soldering and circuitry on up to their first micro satellite (CanSat, CubeSat, PicoSat, QB2 PocketCube). During that phone call, Bob asked if we would be interested in being a BETA school for his STEM modules. We said “YES!” immediately.
As we worked though and documented our experiences with the Jiggy Bot, the CricketSat and the AlphaSat modules, we soon realized that we were going to need to the ability to transmit to these devices, not just receive. This brought us to the Amateur Radio community. We reached out to various clubs in the area (Sierra Foothills ARC, Elk Grove Florin ARC, River City ARC, Lodi ARC, Stockton Delta ARC). In this season we met some very helpful Elmers (Dave- KK6MVJ, Jojo-KN6HTD, Nelson-K6VDU, John-NZ6Q, and many others) The lead teacher, the author of this article, and a student received their Technician licenses early, and then…
An ARRL grant opportunity opened for us. In writing the grant, we proposed funds for our own HAM Shack, the necessary antennas to track and communicate with satellites and the ISS, funds to support the teaching and Technical Level licensing of our students and a chunk to support a launch of our eventual pico-satellite in association with the NREP Initiative (NanoRacks External Platform) aboard the ISS. Matt Craft and Bob Twiggs of Twiggs Space Lab have been helping us move in this direction.
We were awarded the grant and off to the Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) we went. We set up our Ham Shack and antennas, purchased the study materials and studied and reviewed a little from meeting to meeting. Unfortunately, because our students are so involved in other activities on campus, very little studying was done between meetings, so we reached out to John-NZ6Q of the Stockton Delta ARC to see if he would be willing to host a HamCram, and he said ‘yes’. In addition to the Satellite and Rocketry Club members, I opened up the HamCram opportunity to other GETA students. On the day of the HamCram, twenty-four students showed up and twenty passed the exam on December 2, 2023. The four who didn’t pass, had to leave early, challenged the exam, and the test won. Otherwise, those who stayed to the end had a 100% pass rate. Thank You John!!
Since that day, other contacts have been made. Most notably David-WB6TOU, who does research with pico balloons. David came by on December 7th to speak with a handful of our students concerning opportunities in space weather research and WSPRnet technology (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter).
As of the writing of this article, final exams are underway, so decisions for the pico-balloon opportunity have yet to be discussed or made. This opportunity is incredible. What you don’t know is that the GETA program already has an international footprint all around the globe with their solar suitcase program. The GETA sophomores learn solar technology using the solar suitcase as the learning platform and then, because grants are used to fund these units, they are sent to energy poor nations, villages and families with contacts we have with humanitarian and faith-based organizations. To date we have 175 of these solar suitcases in 27 nations and 10 more will be going to Uganda in January 2024. This footprint might-well be extended into space if the students decide to pursue the pico-balloon opportunity and push towards the NREP program.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
73- Eric KN6TNH
Redding Veterans' RC W6VET Veterans' Day Special Event
The Special Event Station Celebrating Veterans at W6VET was a success, especially for me, the operator, K6WK, Mike. However, "success" as a term does not describe fully the impact that operating on this SES has had on me. I enjoyed talking to all the Veterans, families of Veterans, and supporters of Veterans. I got tongue tied a few times, I was in need of a rest, also,...to assimilate the "happening-input of life experiences" into my consciousness.... This was an experience for me, which stands above nearly every post-service experience as a US ARMY VETERAN that I can remember. Thank you to all who made contact, and especially to those who could not get through because of my long windedness. I hope to work you soon. This is our second Annual Special Event Station on Veterans Day at W6VET. 73 - Michael, K6WK
October 21 ARRL Pacificon Forum:
"Dealing with Intentional Interference"Intentional interference is increasingly reported in our section and elsewhere around the nation. At the 2023 ARRL Pacificon Convention forum entitled "Dealing with Intentional Interference" ARRL and other amateur radio leadership presented and discussed resources and strategies to assist radio amateurs, clubs, groups and repeater owners in controlling this problem.
Local direction finding (DF) teams have been organizing to collect evidence of these incidents.
If you experience intentional interference, here below are several ways that you can immediately assist:-
Dealing with a deliberate jammer is emotionally difficult. But if we’re to successfully get rid of them, everyone involved (and I do mean every single ham) must remain calm. We must also be patient, as it can take a while.
This may be the most important of all; do not attempt to engage with the jammer, or even acknowledge their presence. Although some of them may do what they do because they have a beef with the repeater owner, club, or another ham; most jammers do it for the same reason others engage in destructive behavior; to get attention. We must deny them that attention. So, control your anger and don’t tell them to stop, threaten them or even acknowledge that the interference is occurring.
If the level of interference allows it, continue with your QSO or net as if the interference was not there.
If conversation is not possible, you may be able to QSY to an alternate frequency. Otherwise, just sign off as if you’ve naturally finished and go radio silent until the jammer leaves. They may return when you do, so you’ll have to do this several times, until they get the message that they won’t get the satisfaction they’re looking for. -
Do not discuss the jammer on the air, even when jamming is not present. Understand that just one ham losing control and engaging with the jammer or acknowledging the interference, even in passing, is enough to undo the efforts of everyone else.
In case of repeater interference, each repeater owner has the ability--or should have the ability--to constantly monitor the repeater and if all else fails shut it down in instances of abuse. Running a repeater is not much different than allowing access to your home base station by anyone who wants to use it.
Control operators can and should immediately disable the repeater when any illegal activity occurs, and keep it disabled until attempts at the illegal activity end. They can monitor the repeater’s input frequency for this.
You should report a repeater's failure to control intentional interference to the ARRL-FCC Volunteer Monitor (VM) program.
Collect and submit recordings of the interference marking the date, time and frequency as evidence.
The ARRL-FCC VM program has the resources to motivate owners to control their repeaters responsibly.
How To Report A Possible Violation to the ARRL-FCC VM Program
To report clear violations of FCC Part 97, particularly instances of unlicensed operation, repeated deliberate interference, and operation outside of a licensee’s authorized frequencies, send the report via email to Riley Hollingsworth (K4ZDH), ARRL Volunteer Monitor Administrator, at K4ZDH@arrl.net.
Important: include the following information in your report…
- Frequency (MHz) of incident:
- Time of incident (UTC):
- Date of incident:
- Call sign(s) of station(s) being reported:
- If a repeater, call sign of repeater involved:
- Description of alleged incident being reported:
- Your full name (person submitting report)
- Your call sign:
- Your email address:
- Your phone number:
All reports will be acknowledged, reviewed, and the person submitting the report will receive a response as quickly as possible.------------------------------------------------------
- Links:
- Sacramento Valley Section Facebook Page, Sacramento Valley Section Twitter Feed, Sacramento Valley Regional ARES, Sacramento Valley Section Nets
Sacramento Valley Officials
Section Manager
Carol F. Milazzo KP4MD -
Public Info Coordinator,
Michael T. Joseph KK6ZGB
Section Emergency Coordinator -
Assistant Section Manager
Jojo Melendres KN6HTD -
Section Youth Coordinator
Orion Endres AI6JB -
Section Traffic Manager
James A. Michener K9JM -
Assistant Section Manager
Les L. Cobb W6TEE -
State Government Liaison
Peter D. Gambee KT6TT -
Technical Coordinator
Bob Wortman WB6VYH -
Affiliated Club Coordinator
James N. Goldstene AE6JG
ARRL SV Section Web Resources (256.8 kB)
ARES SV Section Trifold (203.9 kB)