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Joined: Mon, Dec 6th 2021, 07:05 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Noob Looking for Direction Dec 8th 2021, 00:45 4 4,327 on 13/12/21

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Noob Looking for Direction gsqwared on 8/12/21
Hey everyone!

I just joined the ARRL today and have already order my books to take my exam. At this point it all makes sense, except I'm having difficulty finding direction as to what equipment do I need to get started. It seems so overwhelming when I look at sites that sell equipment but I don't even know what I'm looking at or what I need or don't need. I guess I should state my goal. I want to communicate and interact with people from all over the world. What do I need to get me there? Any direction to valuable resources or veteran opinions is greatly appreciated.


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