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WA50 Standings

The World Above 50 MHz Standings

Notice:  September 2015.  The World Above 50 MHz Standings listings are now being maintained by Ned Stearns, AA7A.  Ned is well known on the air chasing DX on all bands, operating as part of DXpeditions all over the world, and running moonbounce from home and abroad.  Thanks to Ned for stepping up and keeping this page and statistics going.

What is this page?

This page is a listing of station operator-reported information detailing the number of grids, states and DXCC countries worked on 50 MHz and above. This information is reported by the station operator and does not reflect data confirmed by the ARRL Awards Branch. We will verify the veracity of exceptional claims.  Numbers reported should reflect confirmed QSOs.

Report your information to:

Last Updated: 19 May 2023

(updates are seasonal - after activity peaks - generally late Fall and Spring)

WA50 Standings Report

EME Standings Report


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