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meaning of contest exchanges

Nov 21st 2014, 21:30


Joined: Jan 26th 2012, 09:59
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What is meant by serial number? What is a check? How do you specify power level? Is the year of your license the granted date or the effective date? Etc..
Nov 23rd 2014, 14:18


Joined: Sep 2nd 2003, 12:14
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A serial number is simply a sequential number (beginning at 1) for each QSO. If you use a logging program for the contest, such as N1MM, the program will keep track of this for you and will display the serial number you should use for your next contact.

The meaning of "check" varies from contest to contest, and not every contest has a "check". In Sweepstakes, the check is the last two digits of the year you were first licensed. (I would go by effective date, but nobody's going to check. The important thing is that you use the same "check" throughout the contest.)

For contests that have different categories for power level, you'd have to look at the rules for that contest to see what code to use. In Sweepstakes, Q is QRP, A is < 150W, U is high power.

One of the best sites for learning the rules for a specific contest is . Aside from providing a useful summary of the rules, there is usually a link to the detailed rules provided by the contest's sponsor.
Nov 26th 2014, 14:29


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The Sweepstakes contest uses a message header as its exchange. It makes more sense if you know that in the early history of the American Radio Relay League, relaying messages was a really big deal.

Zack W1VT

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