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Frequency Stability

Aug 13th 2015, 15:55


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I saw an article (QST) on "adding" stability/non-shifting frequency control to radios such as Halicrafters, Johnson etc. Tube radios. It was somewhat recent - solid state but I can't find it and I'd like to use an antique receiver and transmitter without chasing the freq. or having to be chased. Does this ring a bell with anyone? There was a reference to further information in the article which was of no use. Larry KV1N
Aug 13th 2015, 18:38


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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DPK VFO Stabilizer.....Greatly reduces drift in conventional VFOs and PTOs.
Huff & Puff Reference Library

A collection of articles for download in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) document format, containing every Huff Puff article I have been able to find, dating back to the first mention of PA0KSB's new idea in RadCom July 1973

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