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Lotw tq5 and tq6 locations

Mar 13th 2016, 15:11


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Installing Lotw with a newly recieved 'callsign.tq6' file failed with a "no cert for serial number found" (approximately) error.

Re-reading and retrying some things I think I may have changed something so have re-requested a new cert to try again. But

meanwhile re-reading the instructions (the 'if you didn't then ...' stuff if really kinda confusingly organized) it appears there is a tq5 file created and the implication is that when I get the new tq6 file the tq5 needs to reside in the same directory for everything to work. So

I searched for the tq5 file and find it was created in C:\user\me\appdata\roaming\trustedqsl
A place I obviously would never think of looking.

So the question. Is Lotw so inept that it can't use the created tq5 file just where it was created (by Lotw) and I really have to move it to the directory where tq6 gets downloaded? Really?

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