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FT 817ND Grounding

Apr 9th 2016, 15:16


Joined: Nov 5th 2015, 18:21
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What is a good way to ground the FT-817ND when using it in portable mode? Is it even necessary?
Apr 20th 2016, 15:10


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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If you are using a balanced antenna, such as a dipole, or Yagi, a ground isn't really needed. If a tuner and end fed wire or vertical is used, you will need a counterpoise or a ground system. The counterpoise is the easiest, cut it to a quarter wavelength for the band you are using. For multiple band operation, use a spool of wire as a counterpoise with tape markings at a quarter wave at 40, 20, 17 etc meters. Just spool it out or wind it up for the length needed.

If your on the go (walking), use a whip antenna and trail a quarter wave wire, but be careful not to trip anyone. I wouldn't do that on a city sidewalk :)

Bob Allison

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