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Newbie alert.... KI7DVX

Jun 13th 2016, 20:15


Joined: Apr 29th 2016, 11:31
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Hello all, just got my Tech and general licenses out of the way in April, and cramming for the Extra come this Field Day. So I have a Handy Talkie and nothing else, although I did score a 50' Alum. tower now to cement it down and re-assemble it. Looking at a IC-7300 Rig, the tower came with a 3 beam yagi about 20-24' sections and a OLD rotator from Allance HD-73 model, thats not going back up even if it works I'll go new, to much work to take out and replace down the road.
Any way I'll be on the air in no time, plan on learning CW too (I think my head will explode) to much learning the last 2 months. lol
So talk later from Port Angeles WA. 73's...
Oct 3rd 2016, 16:17


Joined: Aug 18th 2015, 16:03
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The airwaves won't be safe any more. lol Congratulations. I just got my tech back in October. Until about 2 weeks ago my only radio was a Baofeng UV-5R handheld. I wanted to see how interested I was before getting to deep. Then a couple of weeks ago got a Kenwood TS940S-AT. After getting it hooked up on Fldigi I'm hooked. Just listening to the CW and watching it on screen I'm starting to recognize the sounds. But also cool to use my computer skills now with my new skills.

Now I have a reason to get my General so I have more wiggle room to transmit.


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