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Licensing Requirments For Aliens

Aug 29th 2016, 21:29


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I've been a VE examiner for several years in a small town, meaning we typically give tests to 1 or 2 applicants at the most each session. We've always required ID which has always been a driver's license. Well a questions just came up. What if the applicant if from Bangladesh? First, is a foreign applicant allowed to take the test and become licensed? I've looked at the FCC website, ARRL website, and our VE manual. The best information so far is yes - maybe. Someone from Bangladesh - or anywhere can receive a license. If the person has a work permit, he/she is required to give their TIN in place of the SSN, and for all others, just write in FOREIGN in the SSN location on the NCVEC Form 605. Also, in our VE manual, if one doesn't have an ID like a driver's license or passport, a library card or utility bill, or maybe even a letter from your mother is okay?.

Any thoughts?
Sep 7th 2016, 21:25


Joined: Aug 23rd 2016, 22:57
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Your thread title made me look. If you're experiencing harmful interference from unlicensed aliens, contact SETI! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Now for something on-topic... Based on my reading of Part 97, there is nothing prohibiting any person (who doesn't have a rap sheet with the FCC) from obtaining an operator license. There are some special restrictions surrounding station licenses if they already hold some other ITU-sanctioned amateur licenses. I'd say that if these guys are totally new to radio, with no prior licensing or violations, they are allowed to obtain an FCC license. As for filling out the forms, I'm not a VE, so can't help you there.

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