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Newbie with CW learning problem

Dec 6th 2016, 23:27


Joined: May 25th 2016, 22:40
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How do I break the habit of freezing when I can't remember the letter I just heard and go on to the next one? When a new letter comes up in code, and I can't quickly remember the letter or number, I'm like a deer caught in the headlights.
Dec 7th 2016, 02:14


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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No magic there. I frequently don't copy a letter or even a word at higher speeds. Just drop it and pick up the text when you can! The good news is that there is enough redundancy in a typical QSO that you can figure out the important stuff even with some gaps.

If you have a problem remembering the code for a particular letter, I'd suggest just sending typical text to yourself or use canned practice recordings. Eventually it just clicks. (I'm remembering what I did 50 years ago, so take it with a grain of salt!)

Good luck & 73, Martin AA6E

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