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Questionable readings and seeking advice

Jan 9th 2019, 08:43


Joined: Dec 7th 2017, 10:26
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After accident my ham stick dipole lost one half. Just on curiosity turned it into what was to be a vertical. 4 feet off ground on PVC pipe. three radials(?) or counterpoise these are readings Z=50,swr=1.09 at 28.335 MHz,r=48.5 ohms, Xc=1298 mf, Xl=(-4.4 ohms), I am being told its good but my gut says not! OK for new ham what is going on? I am not risking finals to toy with it. Also resonant frequency way above swr frequency by many megahertz. Other than scrap it any advice?
Jan 10th 2019, 08:07


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One way to test an antenna with a low power radio that has delicate finals is to use a resistive SWR bridge for testing.

Zak W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Jan 10th 2019, 09:07


Joined: Dec 7th 2017, 10:26
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Check local community see if one is available but my pure gut instinct is this is not a vertical but a end fed with counterpoise and absent a coupling network or unun I think experiment is over and back to my safe Inverted vee with balun and I thank you for the reply. I like to tinker so just try to salvage accident.

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