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single element radiator verticle/velocity factor

May 12th 2012, 04:25


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I actually have a question about this topic.i have calculated a few different center frequencies (10m,6m,2m&70cm) using no more than an swr meter .the material i used in all cases was steel whips from old junk cb(11m) antennas.where the standard formula is (for a quarter wave) is 234/freq. ,i instead came up with 238.5/freq. try it,and give me,and everyone else your feedback. 73,kc5lur
May 12th 2012, 09:52


Super Moderator

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What are you using as the other half of the antenna--the radial or ground plane the whip is working against? Not surprisingly, the ground system has a significant impact on the tuning of the antenna.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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