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Relay with FT 857 Aug 13th 2017, 07:13 3 7,851 on 14/8/17

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Relay with FT 857 KB3YKT on 13/8/17
What is the most economical relay switch to use for operating on battery power that would sustain battery life using a YAESU FT 857 and a 12V rechargeable battery? A low transmitting power is desired 0-15 watts.

I looked at two different relays (see below) but not sure what to use and if these relays are compatible with the specifications of a FT-857.

Relay#1) SPDT Electromechanical Relay Failsafe Switch DC to 26.5 GHz,SMA, 20 Watts, 12V Control, TTL, Diodes, Indicators ($129.56 - $169.15)

Relay #2) SMA Female SPDT Relay Switch DC-3 GHz, 12 Vdc
Bracke Part Number: BM14068

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