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2017 National Hurricane Conference Set for New Orleans


The 2017 National Hurricane Conference that gets under way this month in New Orleans will offer several presentations for radio amateurs. The conference theme, as it’s been in the past, is to improve hurricane preparedness. All Amateur Radio sessions are free. For 2017, all the Amateur Radio sessions will be on Wednesday Morning, April 19, from 8:30 AM until 12:15 PM CDT. There will be two Amateur Radio-related sessions, and all Amateur Radio-focused presentations will be recorded and streamed live online (alternate site). These sites include a complete schedule, which will be updated as required prior to the event, and a social networking stream.

In the first session, Bob Robichaud, VE1MBR, of the Canadian Hurricane Centre will present on hurricane meteorological topics and provide a brief overview of Canadian Hurricane Centre Operations; Assistant Amateur Radio Station Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R, will discuss WX4NHC operations at the National Hurricane Center, and Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, will offer an overview of the HWN, as well as talk about personal weather stations, backup power, and antennas. Louisiana ARRL Assistant Section Manager Matt Anderson, KD5KNZ, will provide a local ARRL and emergency communication update.

In the second session, National Hurricane Center Director Rick Knabb will speak on the importance of Amateur Radio surface reporting. Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net and ARRL ARES Eastern Massachusetts Assistant SEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY, will discuss the VoIP Hurricane Net and best practices in SKYWARN for tropical systems. National SATERN Liaison Bill Feist, WB8BZH, will talk on Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) health-and-welfare support during severe weather events.

A question-and-answer opportunity will conclude the Amateur Radio program.

The National Hurricane Conference is the nation’s forum for education and professional training in hurricane preparedness. With an average of 2,000 attendees from around the country, the conference covers all major aspects of hurricane preparedness, response and recovery.





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