ARRL Publishes its 2016 Annual Report
Following the meeting last weekend of the ARRL Board of Directors, ARRL announces the release of its 2016 Annual Report. This year’s report departs from past reports in that it focuses on the people who make up ARRL and the larger Amateur Radio community. More than 140 call signs appear in the report, and more than 80 of these call signs belong not to ARRL Headquarters staff or Board members, but rather, to ARRL members.
In his letter, CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, writes about “…the people of ARRL: the Board, the staff, the membership, the various volunteers arrayed across the country, by our patrons and donors, by our served agencies, and by the Amateur Radio community, writ large. These are the people of ARRL, and here are their stories. This annual report celebrates their contribution and tells the stories of how each of them labors mightily, every day, to advance the art, the science, and the enjoyment of Amateur Radio.”
Reflecting on his experiences this past year, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in his Annual Report message reminds members that they make the difference: “The initiatives you will read about in this report show hams bringing people into Amateur Radio in new ways, and from points of entry that maybe you hadn’t thought of: college clubs, citizen science, and Maker Faires. Hams just like you are making these things happen.”
There is extensive coverage of major events like National Parks on the Air (NPOTA), and a discussion of why NPOTA worked so well. Four pages are devoted to Amateur Radio’s contribution to emergency preparedness in communities around the country.
The 2016 Annual Report was created by ARRL editorial staff under the direction of QST Managing Editor Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY. QST Assistant Editors Jen Glifort and Caroline Kenney researched and wrote most of the text, with some stories contributed by ARRL Digital Media Support Specialist Alli McLellan. Schoenfeld engaged a freelance designer for the project, who created an exciting and highly readable layout in full color, to highlight the stunning color photography and graphics.
Members are encouraged to download and read the Annual Report on the ARRL website. Set Adobe Reader to its two-page viewing mode to better view the larger layout. An archive of past annual reports also is available.