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IARU Region 2 General Assembly Under Way in Peru


The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (the Americas) 20th General Assembly continues until October 2 in Lima, Peru. Radio Club Peruano (RCP) is hosting the gathering. Delegates will participate in meetings and in various working committees, and an Emergency Communications Workshop will take place on October 4.

The Lima conference will discuss the promotion and defense of Amateur Radio spectrum as well as band plans for HF, VHF, UHF, and higher, and other issues of importance to Region 2 member-societies.

The Emergency Communications Workshop, attended by IARU Region 2 Emergency Coordinators and other national level Amateur Radio emergency communications, will serve to share information and expertise on Amateur Radio’s role in responding to emergencies and disasters. One focus will be to increase the capacity for amateurs in IARU Region 2 to respond to large-scale, multinational communication emergencies and disasters.



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