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Portuguese National AM Day is now a Weekend


The Portuguese Amateur Radio Association of Alentejo Litoral (ARLA) will sponsor its traditional AM event over the November 5-6 weekend. AM operation will take place on 80, 40, 20, 10, 6, and 2 meters, starting at 0800 UTC on November 5 until 1159 UTC on November 6. All radio amateurs and SWLs are invited to take part.

This is the first year the event will take place over two consecutive days. Operators should respect the IARU band plan.

These frequencies (±5 kHz) are suggested as starting points: 3,705 kHz; 7,146 kHz; 14,270 kHz; 29,075 kHz; 51.575 MHz, and 144.550 MHz.

Log submission is optional. All participants contacting CS5ARLA will receive a participation certificate. — Thanks to João Costa, CT1FBF, via Southgate Amateur Radio News



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