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Sweden’s SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Station Reports “Successful” Christmas Transmission


The old Alexanderson alternator SAQ at World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station in Sweden was heard by more than 400 listeners on December 24, 2016, setting a new record.

SAQ traditionally broadcasts at Christmas with the 1920s-era electro-mechanical transmitter that operates on 17.2 kHz. SAQ has released a report that summarizes the success and a map that shows the locations of those who heard SAQ. The vast majority of reports came from listeners — many of them radio amateurs — in Europe, but several hams in the US and Canada were among those able to hear the 17.2 kHz transmission.

“Excellent reception,” reported LF enthusiast Joe Craig, VO1NA, in Newfoundland. “I look forward to visiting SAQ someday.” Dave Riley, AA1A, at historic Brant Rock in Massachusetts reported “very good” copy, with the SAQ signal at 10 dB above the noise. SAQ was even heard in Alaska, by Laurence Howell, KL7L, in Wasilla, who gave SAQ a 449 signal report. 



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