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VHF/UHF/Microwave Pioneer Don Hilliard, W0PW, SK


A pioneer on VHF, UHF, and microwave bands, and the designer of a popular Yagi model, Don Hilliard, W0PW (ex-W0EYE), of Clayton, Oklahoma, died on March 25 following a lengthy period of ill health. An ARRL member, he was 81.

Over the decades, Don made numerous contributions to the hobby and specifically in the VHF, UHF and microwave arena of Amateur Radio,” said Bill Mc Caa, K0RZ. “He was a pioneer in developing the first amateur equipment for the 900 MHz band in 1983 in anticipation of the band becoming available for amateurs. Don was a founding member of the Central States VHF Society in 1967, as well as of the Microwave Update in 1985.”

Hilliard’s Yagi design, based on unpublished work by Peter Biezbicke at the National Bureau of Standards, was legendary in the VHF/UHF community. The antenna was described in “The World Above 50 MHz” (“15-Element Yagi by W0EYE”) in the January 1972 edition of QST.

Hilliard also authored articles for QST and QEX.



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