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June 2021 Eclipse Festival Seeks Ham Participants


HamSCI is looking for ham radio operators to make recordings of time-standard stations during the June 2021 annular solar eclipse across the Arctic Circle as part of a citizen science experiment. Researchers will use the crowd-sourced data to investigate the superimposed effects of auroral particle precipitation and the eclipse on HF Doppler shift.

Participants would collect data using an HF radio connected to a computer running open-source software. A precision frequency standard, such as a GPS-disciplined oscillator, is desired but not required to participate. Radio amateurs and shortwave listeners around the globe are invited to take part, even stations far from the path of totality.

Last year's eclipse festivals included more than 100 participants from 45 countries. The experiment will run June 7 – 12. All participants will receive QSL certificates and updates as the data is processed. This is a pilot experiment for HamSCI’s Personal Space Weather Station project, which seeks to develop a global network monitoring the geospace environment. For more information and set-up instructions, visit the June 2021 Arctic Eclipse Festival page on the HamSCI website. 



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