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Contest Soapbox

2013 IARU HF World Championships

  • Soapbox Image 1

    07/23/2013 | VU2NFG

    Just one week before this contest, I received my License. I found very difficult to copy dx c/s. It was a Very good experience for me. I will be 14 yrs on this 31st.  I will participate in more contests. Tnx VU2NXM/Basappa for his Radios.   de Saurav Read More

  • Soapbox Image 1

    07/15/2013 | WR5O

    I have been trying to build a team for a while and it is finally starting to come together.  Two of us are seasoned and the rest are rookies but they learn quicly and had a great time.  Thanks to Lloyd AI5H, Rick KB5KYJ, Lori KF5QKR, Rendy KF5QJC for b... Read More

  • 07/15/2013 | WR5O

    I have been trying to build a team for a while and it is finally starting to come together.  Two of us are seasoned and the rest are rookies but they learn quicly and had a great time.  Thanks to Lloyd AI5H, Rick KB5KYJ, Lori KF5QKR, Rendy KF5QJC for b... Read More

  • 07/14/2013 | N1YWB

    Tough conditions. 10 never opened, 15 was poor. 20 was good for short skip, rough for DX. 40 and 80 were average, which is to say noisy and not much DX that I could work. Nice to hear so many HQ stations although I wish more of them could hear me. SO S... Read More


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