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Contest Soapbox

2014 ARRL International DX Contest (Phone)

  • 03/03/2014 | WV9E

    With band conditions that good it's pretty hard not to have fun.  My leisurely hunt and pounce netted over 100,000 pts w/o even getting on 40.  I got on late Friday nite for a time and still worked 25 countries on 75 in only a couple hours.  That's inc... Read More

  • 03/03/2014 | F5LIW

    Great propagation on 10. With 100 watts only and a 5 elements Yagi antenna I worked 47 states (all the contiguous states except Wyoming but DC inclued). And, icing on the cake, W100AW replied to my CQ call. Thanks for the operator at Newington, CT. See... Read More

  • 03/02/2014 | KC2TA

    I'm a bit hoarse, but some hot tea should soothe that quickly enough. Packed it in with a claimed: 135,954 Pts      273 Q's     166 Countries Was going to try for 300, but the throat got the better of me and I called it quits around 1700 local.  Briefl... Read More


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