02/05/2024 | Pluto Discovery Anniversary Special Event
Feb 15-Feb 23, 0000Z-1259Z, W7P, Flagstaff, AZ. Northern Arizona DX Association. 7.290 14.090 14.290 21.290; all bands, all modes. Certificate & QSL. W7P c/o NADXA, 6315 Townsend Winona Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86004-1493. Operating from the Lowell Observatory, and club member's home QTHs. www.qrz.com/db/w7p or www.nadxa.com
09/05/2024 | Re-enactment of the First Trans-Global Two-Way Radio Communication
Sep 5-Dec 26, 0000Z-2359Z, ZM100DX, Many locations, NEW ZEALAND. Radio Society of Great Britain and New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (Otago Branch). All bands and all modes depending on operator avilability. QSL. See website, for, information, NEW ZEALAND. www.gb2nz.com
12/01/2024 | 60th Anniversary of the Amateur Radio Stamp and the 110th Anniversary of ARRL
Dec 1-Jan 31, 0000Z-2359Z, K7S, West Jordan, UT. The Utah DX Association. All bands, all modes; 7.260 14.260 21.300 28.470. QSL. Wesley Wilkinson, 7363 S Galaxy Hill Road, West Jordan, UT 84081-3961. The first 200 confirmed contacts will receive a used Amateur Radio Stamp. SASE will be needed to receive your QSL. w7wes@yahoo.com, www.udxa.org or www.qrz.com/db/w7wes
12/01/2024 | QCWA Annual Special Event - W2MM 77th Anniversary
Dec 1-Dec 7, 0000Z-2359Z, W2MM, Sandpoint, ID. Qyarter Century Wireless Assocation, Inc.. CW: 3.540 7.035 14.040 21.050 28.050 SSB: 3.810 7.244 14.262 21.365 28.325 FT8/FT4 . Certificate. QCWA Activities Manager, 1613 Poplar Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Stations will be active from around the country with this call sign www.qcwa.org
12/01/2024 | W2W Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration
Dec 1-Dec 11, 1300Z-2200Z, W2W, Hunt Valley, MD. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) . 14.241 14.041 7.241 7.041. Certificate & QSL. ARCNEM, 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will operate W2W in commemoration of the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day and the role of electronics in WWII. Primary operation will be Dec 1-Dec 7 with additional operation possible during the Dec 8-Dec 11 period as operator availability permits. Operation on 80M (3.541, 3.841) and digital modes possible during event. Frequencies +/- according to QRM. QSL and Certificate available via SASE; details at ww-2.us ww-2.us
12/06/2024 | Chicago Suburban Radio Association 100th Anniversary
Dec 6-Dec 8, 1800Z-2359Z, W9SW, Berwyn, IL. Chicago Suburban Radio Association. 7.240 14.240. QSL. Andrew Martin (K9ASM), 1627 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402. https://csraham.com
12/07/2024 | Christmas in Bethlehem
Dec 7, 1400Z-2300Z, W9WWI, Bethlehem, IN. Clark County Amateur radio club of Indiana. 28.400. QSL. Clark Co. ARC, PO Box 201, Sellersburg, IN 47172. The Clark County Amateur Radio Club of Indiana wishes all a merry Christmas from Bethlehem Indiana with this special event. Operating all band and modes. A special QSL is available. n9dprh@gmail.com
12/07/2024 | D-day special event
Dec 7, 1000Z-1700Z, WA4USN, Charleston, SC. Charleston Amateur Radio Society Inc. 14.250 7.940. QSL. Charleston Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 70341, North Charleston, SC 29415. From the USS Yorktown (CV-10). At Patriots Point in Charleston Harbor. wa4usn.org