08/11/2024 | Jeux Paralympiques de Paris 2024
Aug 11-Sep 8, 0000Z-2359Z, TM2024JPP, Lillers, FRANCE. Union des RadioClubs. 7000 14000. Certificate & QSL. Union des RadioClubs, 3 rue Saint Lugle, Lillers 62190, FRANCE. All bands will be activated https://log-et-qsl.associations-radioamateurs.org/wp
08/11/2024 | Navajo Code Talkers
Aug 11-Aug 16, 0000Z-0000Z, N7HG, Chinle, AZ. N7HG. 14.265 21.265 7.265 18.133. Certificate. Herbert Goodluck N7C, PO Box 06, Chinle, AZ 86503. Celebrate an annual event to promote the legacy of Navajo Code Talkers of WWII n7hgster@gmail.com
08/12/2024 | Knights of Columbus Blessed McGivney Birth, Death and Feast Days
Aug 12-Aug 14, 0000Z-2359Z, K0C, Bridgeton, NJ. New Jersey Knights of Columbus Amateur Radio Club . 7.1850 14.2500 18.1400 21.3500. Certificate & QSL. Thomas M. Perrotti, N2JIE, 785 Vineland Ave, Bridgeton, NJ 08302-4822. Celebration of the birth, death and feast days of Blessed Michael J McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. www.nj2kc.org
08/15/2024 | US Coast Guard Radio Station Guam/NRV 80th Anniversary
Aug 15-Aug 30, 0001Z-2359Z, N4V, Memphis, TN. NRV Veterans. 7.030 7.185 14.030 14.235. Certificate & QSL. Jim Pogue, 699 Dickinson St, Memphis, TN 38107. KH2AR@comcast.net
08/16/2024 | Field of Dreams
Aug 16-Aug 17, 1020Z-0920Z, W0DBQ, Dubuque, IA. The Great River Amateur Radio Club. 7.282 14.282 17 meters 15 meters. QSL. GRARC, POB 1384, Dubuque, IA 52004. Come and have a pick-up game with us on the air. w9upk@arrl.net or https://www.w0dbq.org
08/17/2024 | Celebrating Gene Senti's Birthday
Aug 17, 1400Z-1800Z, W0CXX, Cedar Rapids, IA. Collins Amateur Radio Club. 14.263 MHz. QSL. Brice AntonJensen, 1110 Lyndhurst Dr, Hiawatha, IA 52233. https://www.qrz.com/db/W0CXX
08/17/2024 | International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
Aug 17-Aug 19, 0001Z-0000Z, T44IJ, Isla de la Juventud, CUBA. Radioclub Isla de la Juventud (CO9DAA), Cuba. 7.091 10.131 14.090 21.091. QSL. Vasiliy, P.O. Caja "8" , g. Novopavlovsk, distrito de Stavropol, RUSIA 357300, CUBA. La estación estará activando el Faro de Carapashibey al sur de la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, con número de Isla NA-056 https://www.qrz.com/db/T44IJ
08/17/2024 | International Lighthouse Weekend 2024
Aug 17-Aug 18, 0001Z-2324Z, W7FLO, Florence, OR. Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Inc.. 14.265.000. QSL. COCARC, PO BOX 254, Florence, OR 97439. info@w7flo.com