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W1AW Bulletins Archive (General)

  • 2020

    2020-12-31 ARLB041 FCC Reduces Proposed Amateur Radio Application Fee to $35


    2020-12-30 ARLX016 ARRL Staffers to be On the Air from W1AW for Straight Key Night


    2020-12-22 ARLB039 FCC Posts Email Address Reminder On ULS Landing Page


    2020-12-22 ARLB040 Tom Sly, WB8LCD, Appointed as Ohio Section Manager


    2020-12-02 ARLB038 FCC to Require Email Addresses on Applications


    2020-11-25 ARLX015 Former West Virginia Section Manager Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY (SK)


    2020-11-25 ARLB037 New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall Balloting


    2020-11-23 ARLB036 ARRL Announces Director, Vice Director Election Results


    2020-11-19 ARLB035 ARRL Seeks Waiver of Proposed FCC Amateur Application Fees


    2020-11-16 ARLB034 Clear Frequencies Requested for Caribbean Hurricane Emergency Traffic


    2020-11-09 ARLB033 Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, is New ARRL Pacific Division Director


    2020-11-02 ARLB032 W1AW 2020/2021 Winter Operating Schedule


    2020-11-02 ARLX014 ARRL Pacific Division Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT (SK)


    2020-10-28 ARLB031 ARRL Urges Members to Join in Strongly Opposing FCC's Application Fees Proposal


    2020-10-13 ARLB029 Bob Buus, W2OD, Appointed as Northern New Jersey Section Manager


    2020-10-13 ARLB030 Mark Stillman, KA3JUJ, Appointed as New Delaware Section Manager


    2020-10-13 ARLX013 Northern New Jersey Section Manager Steve Ostrove, K2SO (SK)


    2020-10-08 ARLB028 FCC Orders Amateur Access to 3.5 GHz Band to "Sunset"


    2020-10-01 ARLB027 Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, Appointed South Texas Section Manager


    2020-09-28 ARLB026 ARRL Seeks Changes in FCC Proposal to Delete 3.4 GHz Amateur Band


    2020-09-24 ARLB025 Phil Temples, K9HI, Appointed as New England Division Vice Director


    2020-09-24 ARLX012 Former West Virginia Section Manager Karl Thompson, K8KT (SK)


    2020-09-18 ARLB024 FCC Grants ARRL Rules Waiver Request for Fire Emergencies, Hurricanes


    2020-09-16 ARLB022 5-MHz Interoperability Channels Designated for Wildfires and Hurricane Sally Response


    2020-09-16 ARLB023 Northern Florida ARES Requests Clear Frequencies for HF Nets


    2020-09-03 ARLB021 FCC Application Fee Proposal Proceeding is Open for Comments


    2020-08-24 ARLB020 James Armstrong, NV6W, Named Santa Clara Valley SM


    2020-08-20 ARLB019 Rene Fonseca, NP3O, Elected as Puerto Rico Section Manager


    2020-08-18 ARLX011 Past Puerto Rico Section Manager Victor Madera, KP4PQ (SK)


    2020-06-26 ARLB018 K9JM to transmit CW version of 2020 W1AW Field Day Bulletin


    2020-06-26 ARLB017 Illinois Section Manager Steps Down, New SM Appointed


    2020-06-22 ARLX009 2020 W1AW Field Day Bulletin Schedule


    2020-06-19 ARLX008 K6KPH Unable to Handle June 20 West Coast Qualifying Run or Field Day Transmissions for West Coast


    2020-06-09 ARLB016 New Section Manager Appointed in North Dakota in Wake of Resignation


    2020-06-02 ARLB015 Spring 2020 Section Manager Election Results Announced


    2020-06-02 ARLB014 Dan Grady, N2SRK, Appointed as New Rocky Mountain Division Vice Director


    2020-05-29 ARLB013 Rocky Mountain Vice Director Resigns to Accept Appointment as Colorado Section Manager


    2020-05-15 ARLB012 ARRL Seeks Clarification of Amended Amateur Service RF Safety Rules


    2020-04-24 ARLB011 Ballot Counting Postponed in Four ARRL Section Manager Elections


    2020-04-09 ARLB010 Ned Stearns, AA7A, Appointed as ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director


    2020-04-09 ARLX007 Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Postponed


    2020-04-08 ARLX006 Past ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bernie Fuller, N3EFN (SK)


    2020-04-04 ARLX005 Past ARRL Treasurer Jim McCobb, K1LU (SK)


    2020-03-24 ARLB009 W1AW to limit transmit schedule


    2020-03-19 ARLX004 Errata to 2020-2024 Amateur Extra-Class Question Pool Released


    2020-03-10 ARLB008 W1AW 2020 Spring/Summer Operating Schedule


    2020-02-14 ARLB007 FCC Invites Comments on 5.9 GHz Proceeding


    2020-02-07 ARLX003 Former ARRL East Bay Section Manager, Ti-Michelle Connelly, NJ6T (SK)


    2020-02-05 ARLB005 ARRL HF Band Planning Committee Seeks Comments on Recommendations


    2020-01-28 ARLX002 Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director H. Dale Strieter, W4QM (SK)


    2020-01-28 ARLB004 New Amateur Extra Question Pool Released


    2020-01-24 ARLB003 ARRL to Argue for Continued Access to 3-GHz Spectrum as FCC Sets Comment Deadlines


    2020-01-09 ARLB002 John Litz, NZ6Q, Appointed as San Joaquin Valley Section Manager


    2020-01-03 ARLX001 San Joaquin Valley Section Manager Dan Pruitt, AE6SX (SK)


    2020-01-02 ARLB001 W1AW 2020 Winter Operating Schedule



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