*************** The ARRL Letter Vol. 20, No. 11 March 16, 2001 *************** IN THIS EDITION: * +FCC turns down LA 2.4-GHz Experimental Application * +ARRL 160-Meter Band Plan Committee open for business * +ARISS thanks Expedition 1 commander for school contacts * +ARRL seeks to expand hams' access to 216-220 MHz * +"Boing-Boing" intruder invades 12 meters * +A tale of two antenna bills * Solar Update * IN BRIEF: This weekend on the radio +NAB hosts Beltway ham huddle Florida hams continue fire duty GEARS helps hospital Hams do good turn during snowstorm BCLs to get a clear shot at 1080 kHz Cambodia operations approved for DXCC New distance record on 76 GHz Slow Speed Code Practice Net on 40 meters Vote on QST Cover Plaque Award +Available on ARRL Audio News =========================================================== ==>FCC DENIES LA COUNTY 2.4-GHZ APPLICATION Following objections from the ARRL, AMSAT and others, the FCC has turned down an application from Los Angeles County, California, for an experimental license permitting airborne microwave TV downlinks (TVDL) in the 2402-2448 MHz range. The FCC also canceled an experimental license grant to the City of Los Angeles to operate a TV downlink system in same band. Amateurs have a primary domestic allocation at 2402-2417 MHz and a secondary allocation in the rest of the affected band. "Experimental licenses are not substitutes for regular radiocommunication service licenses," said Charles Iseman, deputy chief of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Division in the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology. OET issues all experimental licenses. The ARRL, AMSAT and the Amateur Television Network as well as ARRL members Art McBride, KC6UQH, and Thomas O'Hara, W6ORG, filed informal objections to the County's application. The League, AMSAT and ATN also had objected to the City's experimental grant. The FCC gave the City until December 1 to terminate its operation and reserved the right to accelerate the cancellation date if harmful interference occurs. The LA County proposal, filed in August 1999, sought FCC authorization to develop a TVDL system on four 2.4 GHz channels for use aboard sheriff's and fire department airborne units. The FCC granted the City's WB2XEN experimental license based on a similar submittal. The FCC said other public safety agencies in Southern California, including Long Beach, Glendale and Burbank, plan to deploy similar airborne units. In protesting the County's plan, the ARRL called the application a "foot in the door" toward gaining a permanent berth in the 2.4-GHz band. The County and the City already are authorized to operate TVDL systems under Part 90 rules in the 2.450-2.483.5-GHz band, but both told the FCC that they had experienced coordination and interference problems and sought the experimental TVDL authorization as a result. In light of the denial and the cancellation, the FCC did not address potential interference issues raised by the objectors. Copies of Iseman's letters are available on the ARRL Web site, http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2001/03/15/2/fccletters.pdf. ==>ARRL 160-METER BAND PLAN COMMITTEE READY FOR INPUT ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, has selected five amateurs to serve on the ad hoc 160-Meter Band Plan Committee. The panel is open for input from the amateur community regarding the current band plan for "Top Band" and recommendations for changes. The ARRL Board of Directors approved formation of the committee at its annual meeting in January. "With the ever-increasing activity on 160, it is time to revisit the band plan," said ARRL Delta Division Director Rick Roderick, K5UR, who was named to chair the committee. Also asked to serve on the panel were ARRL New England Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI; ARRL Dakota Division Director Emeritus Tod Olson, K0TO; Jeff Briggs, K1ZM, and Bill Tippett, W4ZV. All of the appointees are veteran amateurs and familiar with 160 meters and the issues facing the band. Briggs, a perennial Top Band contester and DXer, literally wrote the book on 160 meters, DXing on the Edge--the Thrill of 160 Meters. Tippett has more than 300 DXCC entities to his credit on 160. ARRL Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG, will serve as Headquarters staff liaison with the committee. Unlike the other HF bands, 160 meters never has been divided by the FCC into mode-specific subbands. Most amateur transceivers didn't even begin to include the band until the influx of Japanese imports began in the 1970s. As a result of that and the elimination of the HF LORAN system, 160 meters has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades. Today, many modes--CW, SSB, AM, RTTY and other digital--coexist on Top Band, although not always harmoniously. Most operation also tends to cluster on the lower 100 kHz of the band, and the lines between which modes operate where are becoming increasingly blurred. Roderick says the band plan committee is open for comments "from all parties--the digital folks, DXers, ragchewers, anyone." The e-mail address for comments is 160-BANDPLAN@arrl.org. All comments must include a subject line. The committee plans to report back to the ARRL Board of Directors with its recommendations at the Board's July meeting. All ARRL band plans are on the Web, http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/bandplan.html . ==>ARISS REPS THANK SHEPHERD FOR SCHOOL CONTACTS Representatives of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program have personally thanked ISS Expedition 1 crew commander William "Shep" Shepherd, KD5GSL, for his participation in several ARISS school contacts. Several far-flung participants in a last-minute Amateur Radio contact on March 9 were tied in via the Sacred Hearts Academy telebridge facility in Honolulu. Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Usachev, UA9AD, assumed the helm of the ISS this week as the Expedition 2 commander. The other members of the ISS Expedition 2 crew are US astronaut Susan Helms, KC7NHZ, and US astronaut Jim Voss. ARRL Field and Educational Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO, thanked Shepherd on behalf of ARRL and AMSAT for taking time out of his busy schedule to speak with students at a seven schools over the past few months. "He affected quite a few young lives," White said. Since coming aboard the ISS last November, Shepherd has answered questions posed by kindergarten through high school students in Illinois, New York, Virginia, Texas, Hawaii, American Samoa, Arizona and Ontario, Canada. For his part, Shepherd said he enjoyed his experience with the ARISS school contacts. "I can't tell you how much this has meant to me. It's been great!" he said. "It's been fun to tell people about it too." Shepherd also complimented the technical quality of the Amateur Radio transmissions. During the approximately 10-minute pass, ARISS Board Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, also expressed his appreciation to Shepherd, as did Will Marchant, KC6ROL, who's involved in setting up the operational aspects of each ARISS school contact and coordinating schedules with NASA. Shepherd requested the contact as his approximately four-month mission aboard the ISS wound down, in part for the opportunity to chat with his wife, Beth, as well as with his good friend and fellow shuttle astronaut Kevin Chilton, KC5TEU and his wife, Sunny. Handling the contact in Hawaii at Sacred Hearts was Dick Flagg, AH6NM. Also on line from Sacred Hearts was teacher Nancy Rocheleau, WH6PN. The crew of Shepherd, Yuri Gidzenko, and Sergei Krikalev, U5MIR, heads home this weekend aboard the shuttle Discovery. Marchant said schools in California and Mississippi are on the ARISS school contact schedule for late March and early April. For more information on the ARISS program, visit the ARISS Web site, http://ariss.gsfc.nasa.gov. ==>ARRL SEEKS TO EXPAND AMATEUR ACCESS TO 216-220 MHz The ARRL has suggested that the FCC expand the secondary amateur allocation at 219-220 MHz to provide hams with access to the entire 216-220 MHz band. The League commented this month in response to a Notice of Proposed Rule Making, ET Docket 00-221, that proposes to reallocate 27 MHz of spectrum in various bands, including 216-220 MHz, from government to non-government use. In general, the FCC seeks to allocate the entire 216-220 MHz band to the Fixed and Mobile services on a primary basis. At 219-220 MHz, Amateur Radio now is secondary to the Automated Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS). Within the 1-MHz of spectrum, amateurs may install and operate point-to-point digital message forwarding systems, including inter-city packet backbones, but only under strict limitations. While the FCC has promised to protect AMTS and other operations from new interference, it extended no such assurances to amateur operations at 219-220 MHz. In its comments, the ARRL expressed fears that additional co-primary users "will essentially foreclose what limited opportunities there are now for amateurs to make use of the 219-220 MHz segment." The League suggested that in the face of such potential constraints at 219-220 MHz, permitting amateur access to the entire 216-220 MHz band on a non-interference basis would be one means to accommodate Amateur Radio operations in that portion of the spectrum. Such a move would, the ARRL said, "provide at least some opportunity for amateurs to engineer fixed links into the band, which would not be possible in the 219-220 MHz segment alone." Last month, in comments filed in PR Docket 92-257, the ARRL suggested letting amateurs submit computer-generated field strength contours that demonstrate a lack of interference potential to AMTS sites, in lieu of having to get written permission. In this proceeding, the ARRL further suggested that amateurs who proposed to operate in the 216-220 MHz band be allowed to used "fixed-distance separations" in lieu of the present consent requirements, as a means to demonstrate the absence of interference potential to AMTS and other co-primary users. A copy of the ARRL's comments in ET Docket 00-221 is available on the ARRL Web site, http://www.arrl.org/announce/regulatory/et00-221/index.html . ==>"BOING-BOING" INTRUDER LIKELY A CODAR INSTALLATION The ARRL Monitoring System will formally ask the FCC to monitor yet another intruding signal, this time on the 12-meter amateur band. The widely reported signal sounds a bit like a tightly wound, noisy spring being repeatedly compressed and released. It's believed to be coming from a surface-wave radar installation, possibly in Central or South America. "It sounds like someone playing with a really noisy spring, or a very poorly tuned guitar string," says ARRL Monitoring System Administrator Brennan Price, N4QX. "This signal is also unique in that it precisely occupies the entire 12-meter band, from 24,890 to 24,990 kHz, with the same pitch and tempo throughout the band." While the signal does not appear to be overly disruptive to amateur communications, it is almost certainly an intruder. "The 12-meter band is allocated to amateurs on an exclusive basis worldwide," Price says. "This is not one of those instances where the observed station has as much right to use the frequency as United States amateurs; any non-amateur signal on 12 is an intruder." Informal discussions with professional monitors suggest that the rough pulses--about two per second in frequency--are characteristic of a CODAR (Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar) transmitter. CODAR is a specific type of HF radar used to map ocean surface currents in coastal zones. An overview of CODAR theory and applications is available on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Web site, http://www1.etl.noaa.gov/codar/codar.htm . ==>NEVADA HAMS BOOST ANTENNA BILL; INDIANA MEASURE APPARENTLY DEAD FOR SESSION Hams in Nevada are boosting their Amateur Radio antenna bill, while a similar measure appears dead for now in Indiana. Several states are considering ham radio antenna proposals during the current legislative season. At a legislative hearing this week in Nevada, no one spoke in opposition to three sections of an Amateur Radio antenna bill that's under consideration there. The Nevada Assembly's Government Affairs Committee heard testimony on Assembly Bill 61 March 14 in Carson City and Las Vegas. A section of the bill that would prohibit antenna restrictions from future deed covenants, conditions and restrictions--or CC&Rs--in Nevada did generate some negative comments, however. Introduced February 1 by Assemblyman Bob Beers, WB7EHN, AB 61 would require municipal ordinances to "reasonably accommodate amateur service communications" and "constitute the minimum level of regulation practicable to carry out the legitimate purpose of the governing body." The bill would not apply to historic or architectural preservation districts. The contentious Section 3 of the Nevada measure would make "void and unenforceable" any provision in a deed covenant, restriction or condition that "precludes amateur service communications" or "unreasonably restricts the placement, screening or height of a station antenna structure" in a way that diminishes performance or precludes an alternative at comparable cost, efficiency and performance. The Nevada bill is believed to be the first Amateur Radio antenna proposal to address the issue of CC&Rs. Its provisions would not apply to CC&Rs in place when the bill takes effect, however. Assistant Nevada Section Manager Dick Flanagan, W6OLD, said the Government Affairs Committee make no decision on the bill's disposition at this point. "It appears a sub-committee will be formed for the purpose of resolving the concerns raised by Section 3 and to recommend a course of action to the Government Affairs Committee," he said. Flanagan urged Nevada amateurs to register their opinions on AB 61 via the Internet at http://www.leg.state.nv.us/71st/opinions/ . AB 61 is one of the top vote getters on the Nevada Assembly's Web site polling page. More information on the bill is available on the Carson Valley Radio Club Web site, http://www.cvrc.net/AB61/ . Meanwhile, an effort by Indiana amateurs to incorporate the limited federal preemption known as PRB-1 into state law appears to be dead for the current General Assembly session. The bill failed to make it through a third reading in the state Senate. ARRL State Government Liaison Dennis Gilbey, K9JZZ, said he's already laying plans for the next legislative session. Two Amateur Radio antenna bills were submitted in the Indiana General Assembly, one in the House and another in the Senate. Gilbey said a decision was made to concentrate on getting the Senate Bill, SB 331, passed. In addition to incorporating the essence of PRB-1 into state law, SB 331 also sought to prohibit localities from restricting Amateur Radio antennas to less than 75 feet above ground level. Gilbey said hams had less than a day's notice that the bill was coming up for a committee hearing. "We did not have the horses at the Senate hearing," he said. "We did not have a plan of action. We probably tried to bite off more than we could chew." Ten states have incorporated PRB-1 wording into their laws. So far, only three--Oregon, Virginia, and Wyoming--include minimum regulatory height limits in their Amateur Radio antenna laws based on PRB-1. ==>SOLAR UPDATE Propagation prognosticator Tad Cook, K7VVV, Seattle, Washington, reports: Solar flux declined this week after reaching a short-term peak on March 7. But average daily solar flux and sunspot numbers were higher this week than last. Daily sunspot numbers reached a peak of 174 on Monday--the highest since February 9 (179) or January 23 (178). Geomagnetic conditions have been quiet, with A indices in the single digits. Quiet conditions should continue. Solar flux is expected to be around 135 on Friday and 130 for the following few days, then rise to around 145 on March 22-24. By comparison, a year ago the average sunspot number and solar flux reported in this update was 193.4 and 194.9 respectively. Sunspot numbers for March 8 through 14 were 98, 113, 131, 139, 174, 110 and 159 with a mean of 132. The 10.7-cm flux was 167.2, 161.4, 160.1, 157.8, 157.6, 147.3 and 142.2, with a mean of 156.2. Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 6, 5, 4, 10, 7 and 7 with a mean of 6.4. __________________________________ ==>IN BRIEF: * This weekend on the radio: The Virginia and Alaska QSO parties, the BARTG Spring RTTY Contest and the Russian DX Contest are the weekend of March 17-18. JUST AHEAD: The CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB) is the weekend of March 24-25. See the ARRL Contest Branch page, http://www.arrl.org/contests/ and http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/weeklycont.html for more info. * NAB hosts Beltway ham huddle: For the second time in six months, Washington, DC, area hams and ARRL officials huddled inside the Beltway earlier this month to discuss some of the major issues facing Amateur Radio. On hand to talk about the League's agenda were ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP; First Vice President Joel Harrison, W5ZN; and Executive Vice President Dave Sumner, K1ZZ. Some 45 hams employed in the telecommunications area or closely associated with telecommunications heard Haynie, Harrison and Sumner describe ARRL's efforts relating to the protection of Amateur Radio spectrum and amateurs tower and antenna concerns. The group met at National Association of Broadcasters headquarters. NAB's Vice President for Science and Technology John Marino, KR1O, served as host for the gathering. Sumner said a cooperative spirit exists between NAB and Amateur Radio. "It's a traditional relationship that stems from there being so many hams involved in broadcasting from its very beginning," he said. In a lighthearted reference to recent efforts to allow DC hams to acquire automobile ham plates, ARRL Legislative and Public Affairs Manager Steve Mansfield, N1MZA, presented license-plate-sized ARRL "Amateur Radio" tags to all of those attending the luncheon. * Florida hams continue fire duty: Amateur Radio Emergency Service team members in Martin County, Florida, activated March 3 when a large wildfire threatened homes and residents there. County EC Don Marquith, N3PYQ, said the incident arose when both of the county's ARES/RACES repeaters were down in preparation for a move to a new tower. "Obviously, this would be the moment of vulnerability that Murphy always exploits," he said. The County took Marquith up on his offer of ARES' services, and hams were requested to place operators at an American Red Cross shelter being set up at a church as well as at Red Cross headquarters. An ARES/RACES emergency net was activated on the Martin County Amateur Radio Association's WB4VOL 2-meter repeater and subsequently moved to the quickly re-activated WX4MC repeater. Amateur volunteers were deployed to the shelter and the Red Cross HQ, while other ARES team members remained on standby. Residents of 50 homes were evacuated and some homes were damaged, but none were destroyed. "Although none of the evacuees ever went to the shelter, it was clear that the Red Cross and ARES/RACES were very good neighbors that day," Marquith said. ARES/RACES teams in various parts of Florida have been called up in recent weeks as a result of wildfires. * GEARS helps hospital: The Glendale (California) Emergency Amateur Radio Service, or GEARS, pitched in to fill a communications gap March 7 after a backhoe operator inadvertently cut an underground cable carrying telephone, fax, and data communications to and from Glendale Memorial Hospital. Incoming calls soon were routed to a bank of telephones set up in the Emergency Operations Center of the Glendale-Crescenta Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross--just one block away. Amateur Radio operators stationed at critical areas inside the hospital made outgoing calls to doctors, nurses, and other staff members. Using both VHF and UHF mountaintop repeaters owned by the Crescenta Valley Amateur Radio Club, the GEARS group used the 2-meter repeater for autopatch calls and the 70-cm machine for net control. In all, more than 20 amateur radio operators participated in the 10-hour emergency.--State of California OES Auxiliary Communications Service Newsletter * Hams do good turn during snowstorm: Mike Christopher, W2IW, says he and two other members of the Mid-Island Amateur Radio Club on New York's Long Island helped to transport medical personnel to a local hospital during a recent nor'easter. Christopher, who's club president, says South Side Hospital in Bay Shore called to ask him if any club members with four-wheel-drive vehicles could taxi essential medical personnel to the hospital for the midnight shift. Christopher volunteered himself, and with Dominick DiSalvo, KC2HLL, and Raymond Larsen, N2ZEM, assisted South Side Hospital in getting personnel to work on time. Christopher says Long Island was one of the hardest hit areas by the March 5-6 winter storm that dumped more than a foot of snow on the Greater New York City area and was accompanied by high winds. Two base stations run by Michael Grant, N2OX, and Steven Straus, KC2ACL, assisted the mobile stations by giving directions to various locations and serving as a liaison between the hospital and the mobile units. * BCLs to get a clear shot at 1080 kHz: Broadcast listeners can get a clear shot at clear-channel 1080 kHz on the Standard Broadcast dial Sunday, March 18, when the two dominant stations on the channel shut down briefly. WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut, and KRLD in Dallas, Texas--both Infinity Broadcasting outlets--have arranged to briefly "go dark," so BCL enthusiasts can listen for the other station as well as for the other stations that occupy 1080. "We found out we were going to be doing scheduled maintenance during the same month and decided it would be a nice gesture to the DXing community to coordinate this maintenance, since it would be quite impossible for this to happen naturally," said WTIC Chief Engineer Jeff Hugabone, N1KBY. KRLD will go down first, at 0600 UTC (12 midnight Central Time) and remain off for an undetermined period. WTIC is set to leave the air at 0630 UTC (1:30 AM Eastern Time) and stay off for at least one hour. Hugabone says if KRLD doesn't get back on the air before WTIC's planned return at 0730 UTC (2:30 AM Eastern Time), he will take WTIC off the air for a brief listening window. Handling the KRLD shutdown will be Chief Engineer Eric Disen, WB6LCO. WTIC requests reports on what listeners hear to WTIC Engineering, c/o Jeff Hugabone, 10 Executive Dr, Farmington, CT 06032. He said WTIC is good for a QSL. * Cambodia operations approved for DXCC: Two XU7AAZ operations in Cambodia have been approved for DXCC credit. The XU7AAZ operations took place December 25, 1999, to January 5, 2000 and from December 20 to December 23, 2000. Approval for these operations had been withheld for lack of documentation. The ARRL DXCC Desk has reviewed and accepted XU7AAZ documentation, and stations now can receive DXCC credit. Rejected XU7AAZ submittals can be updated without having to re-submit a QSL by contacting the DXCC Desk, dxcc@arrl.org. Cards also may be included in a subsequent DXCC submittal. * New distance record on 76 GHz: A new world distance record on 76 GHz is being claimed by Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association member Bob Johnson, KF6KVG, and his partner, Will Jensby, W0EOM, of the 50MHz and Up Group. The new claimed record for 76 GHz was set February 1. Johnson was located southwest of San Jose, California, on Mount Loma Prieta running 1mW to a 12-inch dish antenna. Jensby was located on Mount Vaca near Vacaville running 5 mW to an 18-inch dish. The total distance covered was 145 kilometers based on the "center of grid square to center of grid square" measurement approach.--adapted from PAARAgraphs March 2001 * Slow Speed Code Practice Net on 40 meters: The Metro Amateur Radio Club's Slow Speed Code Practice Net meets on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 PM Central (currently 0100 UTC) on 7.138 MHz (plus or minus QRM). Listen for "CQ MAC" and send your call sign at your speed. The net will QRS to match the speed of the slowest op. FISTS members are free to exchange numbers with other participants. Net control is Philip, K9PL. For more information, send e-mail to mac@qsl.net or visit the MAC Web site, http://www.qsl.net/mac . * Vote on QST Cover Plaque Award: The winners of the QST Cover Plaque Award for March were Dave Benson, NN1G and George Heron, N2APB, for their article "The Warbler--A Simple PSK31 Transceiver for 80 meters." Congratulations, Dave! ARRL members are reminded that the winner of the QST Cover Plaque award--given to the author(s) of the best article in each issue--is determined by a vote of ARRL members. Voting takes place each month on the ARRL Members Only Web site at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/qstvote.html. As soon as your copy arrives, cast a ballot for your choice as the favorite article in the May issue of QST. Voting ends April 15. =========================================================== The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; http://www.arrl.org. Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb at http://www.arrl.org for the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRLWeb Extra at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/extra offers ARRL members access to informative features and columns. Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League. ==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!): letter-dlvy@arrl.org ==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL, n1rl@arrl.org ==>ARRL News on the Web: http://www.arrl.org ==>ARRL Audio News: http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/ or call 860-594-0384 ==>How to Get The ARRL Letter The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery: ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site, http://www.arrl.org/members/. You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes, and click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.) The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these sources: * ARRLWeb, http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail. * The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio Club: Send e-mail to majordomo@qth.net (no subject needed). The body of the message should say "subscribe letter-list" to subscribe or "unsubscribe letter-list" to unsubscribe. (NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.)