*************** The ARRL Letter Vol. 21, No. 36 September 13, 2002 *************** IN THIS EDITION: * +ARRL President commends amateurs on September 11 * +Amateurs remember September 11 * +ARRL responds to implied threat to 222-225 MHz band * +Deed covenants bill gains additional adherents * +Ham radio-carrying rocket launch reset * +ARRL section managers complete workshop * +Stu Cohen, N1SC, joins ARRL HQ staff * Solar Update * IN BRIEF: This weekend on the radio Certification and Continuing Education Course registration Correction/clarification Hiram Percy Maxim Award presented in California RS-12/13 appears dead Oklahoma club celebrates 35th anniversary with special event ARRL International DX Contest CW results now available to all +Available on ARRL Audio News =========================================================== ==>ARRL PRESIDENT ISSUES SEPTEMBER 11 STATEMENT ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, this week was among those noting the role of Amateur Radio in 9/11 as he marked the first anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. In remarks posted to the ARRL Web site and delivered via a massive global repeater, Haynie commended the "dedication and perseverance" of the amateur community in responding in the wake of the attacks. He also vowed that ARRL would continue to look out for Amateur Radio as it faces competition for spectrum from commercial interests. "As a ham, I will remember it as the day that the entire amateur community stood proudly together and provided the only foolproof communications system," Haynie said. "Literally within minutes of the incidents, teams of amateurs were mobilizing to provide emergency communications within the zones. In metropolitan areas that no longer had phones or electrical power, local amateurs were heard handling vital information out of the region and assisting their fellow man." Haynie said hams don't always agree with one another, but in a crisis will put differences aside for the greater good, just as they did last year on September 11. And, he said, the ARRL will make sure that the story of Amateur Radio's personal sacrifices and contributions "does not go unsung in Washington." "The ARRL will continue to remind those who hold our fate in their hands to not get swallowed up by the commercial systems that failed on that fateful day," Haynie pledged. "While we do not expect excessive honor and acclaim, we should and do expect the protections that are required to provide this service." Haynie said the ARRL will continue help amateurs prepare for emergencies. "But as we all prepare," he added, "we at the League hope that you are never called upon again." The full text of his remarks has been posted on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2002/09/11/102/>. The Commemorative 9/11 Net effort was spearheaded by Len Signoretti, N2LEN. Scott Schmautz, WB2UZR, served as the net control. The linkup relied on either EchoLink or eQSO Internet software connections. The net logged more than 400 checkins in most or all 50 US states plus "a tremendous amount of international activity," Signoretti said. "We were pleased and surprised," Signoretti said of the turnout, which exceeded all expectations. He credited publicity on the ARRL Web site and elsewhere for attracting such a huge crowd. Originally planned to run about two hours, the net overshot that goal by more than 90 minutes. It was so touching for everyone," said Signoretti, who credited Bob Raymer, N2BR, Greg Germek, KC3MN, and John Powell, KG4LMU, for assisting as "sub net controllers." Signoretti and Johnny Davis, K5JD, worked in the background to make sure all the associated server hardware continued in operation. Signoretti said response to the net has been "tremendous," and he hopes to somehow make available audio of the entire network. ==>AMATEURS REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 11 As they did a year earlier, members of the New York City Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (NYC ARES/RACES) activated September 11--this time to assist in the first anniversary observances. In addition, Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) members supported The Salvation Army's commemorative activities. Some 30 NYC ARES/RACES members assisted the American Red Cross and other organizations during the 9/11 commemoration activities--in some cases remaining on duty for more than 15 hours. Thousands of family members of those who died in the World Trade Center attacks were on hand for the remembrance at Ground Zero. ARES/RACES supplemented communication for memorial concerts and other commemorative activities in the five boroughs of New York City, whose residents were able to watch the lighting of an eternal flame in Battery Park on giant TV screens. "NYC-ARES installed K1RFD's EchoLink system to aid in communications from the Red Cross headquarters--a known RF black hole," said Mark Phillips, KC2ENI/G7LTT, who's the NYC ARES/RACES Public Information Officer. "We believe that this is the first such use of this technology." Phillips also expressed thanks to the Broadcast Engineers Amateur Radio Club for the use of its W2ABC repeater on very short notice. Security for the events was described as very tight. NYC ARES/RACES had to negotiate with the Secret Service, the FBI, the NYPD and the Port Authority Police Department as well as with the served agencies to be permitted to have radio equipment in the area. Greater New York SATERN Liaison Officer Jeff Schneller, N2HPO, reports that a "small but effective" SATERN operation successfully supplemented The Salvation Army's September 11 World Trade Center event. The team members used both Amateur Radio and GMRS units. Schneller singled out the efforts of Carlos Varon, K2LCV, and his wife Fran for providing radio and operational help at Salvation Army canteens. Schneller also expressed gratitude to the Electchester VHF Club and the Broadcast Engineers Amateur Radio Society for the use of their repeater systems, but he noted that most operation ended up being on FM simplex. He also thanked New York City District Emergency Coordinator Charles Hargrove, N2HOV, for having ARES operators available to support The Salvation Army. For his part, Hargrove expressed heartfelt thanks to all amateurs who came to New York City to help. "Your community will thank you for it when the need truly arises, as we saw last September 11," he said this week. "Without practice, we would have a tougher time of it." Hargrove urged all amateurs to join their local ARES organizations and become involved in emergency communication training and activities. The NYC ARES/RACES first anniversary activation honored the memories of the amateurs who lost their lives in the collapse of the World Trade Center's twin towers and the other victims. Amateurs who died included Steve Jacobson, N23SJ; Bill Steckman, WA2ACW; Michael Jacobs, AA1GO; Bob Cirri Sr, KA2OTD; Rod Coppola, KA2KET, and Winston Grant, KA2DRF. Additionally, Bill Ruth, W3HRD, died in the Pentagon attack. ==>ARRL RESPONDS TO IMPLIED 222-225 MHZ THREAT The ARRL has taken issue with a suggestion made in a non-Amateur Radio-related FCC proceeding to turn the 222-225 MHz amateur allocation over to commercial interests. In reply comments filed this month, the League urged the FCC to "do nothing" with the proposal of Data Comlink (DCL), a consortium of 20 electrical coops and allied companies. "ARRL presumes that the proposal by DCL for reallocation of the 222-225 MHz band will not be seriously evaluated by the Commission, as it is well outside the scope of this proceeding," the League said in its September 5 filing with the FCC. Until DCL raised the 222-225 MHz suggestion last month in its own comments in WT Docket 02-224, the ARRL had remained silent in the proceeding. DCL claimed in its comments that the amateur allocation at 222-225 MHz "is being underutilized" and that the band "would be much better utilized for commercial use." ARRL asserted that the band, far from being underused, "remains a critical VHF allocation" for amateurs. The League noted that the ARRL 2002 Repeater Directory--albeit not a comprehensive listing--lists 1690 repeaters throughout the US, indicating an even larger number of individual users. "Indeed the number of individual amateurs using this band has increased steadily since 1989, when the amateur allocation at 220-225 was reduced by 40 percent," the ARRL said, "and now much commercially manufactured equipment is available to amateurs." DCL had claimed that "only handfuls [sic] of individuals in the Amateur Radio Service even use this spectrum, while hundreds of thousands of potential commercial users wait with no alternatives." The League characterized as "invalid" DCL's arguments in favor of reallocating 222-225 MHz from the Amateur Radio Service and noted that the FCC earlier this year had set aside an additional 8 MHz of spectrum for Land Mobile Service operations. The League's reply comments in the DCL proceeding are on the ARRL Web site <http:// www.arrl.org/announce/regulatory/wt02-224/arrl-comments.html>. The ARRL has not commented in an unrelated Petition for Reconsideration filed by Warren C. Havens on behalf of himself and Telesaurus Holdings GB LLC, in which he holds a majority interest. Filing last month under PR Docket 92-257 and RM-9664, Havens is seeking to have the FCC reconsider its decision to auction certain AMTS spectrum and instead adopt his "Advanced Technology Land Infrastructure and Safety Service" (ATLIS) proposal. Under that plan, Havens wants to see 222 to 225 MHz reallocated from amateur to public safety use. His ATLIS plan proposes to share 902-928 MHz on which amateurs are secondary. ==>CC&R BILL HR 4720 ATTRACTS ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Five more cosponsors now have signed aboard HR 4720, the bill in Congress aimed at providing relief to amateurs faced with private deed covenants, conditions and restrictions--CC&Rs--in erecting antennas. The list is now up to 23 members of the US House of Representatives who have agreed to cosponsor the measure. It includes two amateurs--Oregon Republican Greg Walden, WB7OCE--one of the two original cosponsors of HR 4720 with Texas Republican Pete Sessions--and Arkansas Democrat Mike Ross, WD5DVR. Walden and Ross are believed to be the only Amateur Radio licensees in the US House of Representatives. Arkansas Section Manager Bob Ideker, WB5VUH, says he lobbied Ross to sign onto the bill after running into him while waiting for a plane in Little Rock. He credits the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club with influencing Arkansas Republican John Boozman, to sign onto the bill as a cosponsor. Also new to the list are representatives Constance Morella (R-MD), Mike McIntyre (D-NC), Michael McNulty (D-NY), and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI). New York Democrat Steve Israel introduced HR 4720--the "Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act"--on May 14. The measure would require private land-use regulators--such as homeowners' associations--to "reasonably accommodate" Amateur Radio communication consistent with the PRB-1 limited federal preemption. PRB-1 now applies only to states and municipalities. The list of HR 4720 cosponsors also includes Representatives JD Hayworth (R-AZ), Patrick Tiberi (R-OH), Patsy Mink (D-HI), Ken Calvert (R-CA), Rick Boucher (D-VA), Joseph Hoeffel (D-PA), John Duncan Jr (R-TN), Dennis Moore (D-KS), Charles Stenholm (D-TX), David Price (D-NC), Bob Schaffer (R-CO), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bart Gordon (D-TN), Charles Taylor (R-NC), and Ralph Hall (D-TX) Visit the US House of Representatives Write Your Representative Service Web page, www.house.gov/writerep/ for information on how to contact your representative. The ARRL requests those writing or e-mailing members of Congress--whether or not they are supporting this legislation--to copy ARRL on their correspondence--via e-mail to ccr-bill@arrl.org or via US Mail to CC&R Bill, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Correspondents should include the bill number, HR 4720, as well as their name and address on all correspondence. For more information, visit the HR 4720, The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act of 2002 page on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/hr4720>. ==>AMATEUR RADIO-CARRYING ROCKET FLIGHT RESCHEDULED A group of Amateur Radio operators and amateur rocket enthusiasts hoping to make aerospace history this month will try again to put the first amateur rocket into space from the Nevada desert. The Civilian Space Xploration Team (CSXT) suborbital vehicle will carry several Amateur Radio payloads to assist in documenting that the rocket reaches an altitude of more than 60 nautical miles--which is considered to be "space." Avionics Manager and CSXT Program Co-Leader Eric Knight, KB1EHE--one of the hams involved--says a new launch window has been set. "We're very excited about getting the rocket up in the air," he told ARRL. This month's attempt will mark the third by the group. High winds scuttled a launch planned for late June, turning it into what Knight characterized as "a very expensive dress rehearsal." An attempt in 2000 got off the ground but just missed its mark. "The rocket will go up this time, Knight said, exuding confidence. "Technologically it's all ready to go." Additionally, he pointed out, the weather this time of year is more favorable, and the team has a broader launch window than it had during the June attempt. The group of space enthusiasts last month got final clearance for the September launch from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Bureau of Land Management. "We have a happy rocket," Knight said, noting that the team plans no major changes to the rocket that was set to go in June. As for potential problems, Knight says he can't foresee anything other than Mother Nature's failure to cooperate. One thing will be done a bit differently in that regard. The team had been taking its 40,000-foot weather data from a National Weather Service Web site. Now, it will use a radio-equipped balloon to measure the data real-time. A container in the rocket's nose will carry commemorative coins, business cards, US flags and mementos to commemorate the victims of September 11, Knight said. "We're proud to be doing that," he added. In addition, the rocket will carry some personal items plus a few photographs, including one of Knight in his younger rocketeering days, "to bring things full circle," he explained. A live color TV transmitter will transmit throughout the flight. "The images from space should be truly spectacular," Knight said. Much of the avionics aboard the vehicle is Amateur Radio technology, and many on the CSXT crew are avid hams. According to a team news release, its Primera rocket "is the most powerful amateur rocket ever created." (Primera Technology is a primary sponsor for the project and is helping with support and materials, Knight says.) At 17 feet tall and weighing just over 500 pounds, the rocket will reach Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound) in just 15 seconds. Moving at more than 3200 MPH, it will reach space in just a minute and a half. The team will recover the vehicle, which is designed to automatically break into two pieces. CSXT's founder and Program Director Ky Michaelson is calling the attempt "the culmination of years of work by a wonderful team." Among those on hand for the momentous launch will be Worcester Polytechnic Institute student Julia Cohn, KB1IGU, who--while still in high school--helped design and build some of the vehicle's avionics. She'll be taking a week away from classes to witness the launch. Her former high school electronics instructor and mentor, Chet Bacon, KA1ILH, and other students in Bacon's electronics classes also contributed to the project. Other amateurs involved include Rod Lane, N1FNE--whose garage and basement workshop were largely given over to rocket construction and integration--and Don Skinner, N1HWR. "We've got the whole team coming out, which was a logistical challenge in itself," Knight said. Funding has come largely from team members' pockets. Knight estimated the costs to date are approaching $100,000. Additional information, including a graphical overview of the rocket's planned flight into space, is available on the CSXT Web site <http://www.civilianspace.com>. ==>ARRL SECTION MANAGERS "CLASS OF 2002" COMPLETE WORKSHOP A dozen new or incoming ARRL section managers participated in a training workshop for SMs held September 7-8 at ARRL Headquarters. The primary purpose of the workshop is to explain the role of an SM within the ARRL field organization. Participants also share ideas and learn basic administrative, management, leadership, and motivational techniques--including working with served agencies. "SMs representing all parts of the country were able to discuss their individual experiences," said ARRL staffer Steve Ewald, WV1X. "The sessions allowed everyone to gain new ideas and discover potential solutions to common problems." Ewald, who's supervisor of the ARRL Field Organization/Public Service Team, served as workshop organizer and facilitator. ARRL membership recruitment and the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications courses were among the topics addressed during the day-and-a half workshop. The ARRL Field and Educational Services staff served as hosts for the weekend sessions. The SMs also were able to meet with HQ staff members, tour the facilities and even operate from W1AW on Friday and Saturday afternoon. Section managers attending included Marshall Johnson, KK7CW, Oregon; Jeff Ryan, K0RM, Colorado; Kent Tiburski, K6FQ, San Diego; Hal Turley, KC8FS, West Virginia; Debbie Kirkbride, KA8YKK, Michigan; David Stevens, KL7EB, Alaska; Jim Sellers, K9ZBM, Indiana; Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, Rhode Island; Paul Gayet, AA1SU, Vermont; Terry Cox, KB4KA, Tennessee; Sherri Brower, W4STB, Southern Florida; and Rich Beebe, N0PV, South Dakota. Brower and Beebe officially begin their terms on October 1. The dean of ARRL Section Managers, Joe Knight, W5PDY, of New Mexico, again participated in this year's workshop to share his valuable perspective as a more than 25-year veteran SM. ARRL HQ staffer Jerry Hill, KH6HU, presented a Saturday morning program on the ARRL Amateur Radio Education and Technology Program ("The Big Project"), which he coordinates. Staff members Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG, and Leona Adams provided additional support. Thanks to ARRL staff member Scott Gee, WB9RRU, the SMs had a chance to visit and operate Maxim Memorial Station W1AW Saturday afternoon. Michigan's Kirkbride, who was appointed to her post just over a month ago, said she got a lot out of the SM workshop. "Having been in this position for all of five weeks, I can tell you that I not only learned a lot from the workshop, I also learned from the interaction of being with other section managers in my same position," she said. Addressing the group after the workshop, West Virginia's Turley said he looked forward to reading and hearing great things from the ARRL sections represented at this year's workshop. "With your enthusiasm, dedication and commitment, you will surely be successful in fulfilling the responsibilities of your SM positions," he said. ==>ARRL WELCOMES STU COHEN, N1SC, TO HEADQUARTERS STAFF ARRL's newest technical editor, Stuart A. "Stu" Cohen, N1SC, began his new duties September 3 at ARRL Headquarters. Formerly of Hillsboro, Oregon, Cohen fills the position vacated by the retirement of Paul Pagel, N1FB. Cohen says ham radio led him into an engineering career. "ARRL was responsible for my introduction to Amateur Radio during my formative years," he recalls. He's now looking forward to a new relationship with his early "mentor." A New York City native, Cohen has been a ham since 1954, when he got his Novice ticket (KN2IOC) at the age of 12. After earning his BS in electrical engineering from New York University, he was employed by the US Navy as a civilian engineer and worked on CW Doppler speed-measuring radar. That led to a move west and a job with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "While there, I refined the landing radar system on the Surveyor spacecraft, the first US spacecraft to soft-land on the moon," he said. Cohen also professes a love of broadcasting and, after a stint as chief engineer at a California public TV station, he joined the ABC-TV's engineering department, serving for about 20 years as an engineering supervisor. Subsequently, he moved to Portland, Oregon, and became assistant chief engineer at a local TV station before going into business for himself as a broadcast engineering consultant. Now "back east," Cohen says it's "indeed an honor" to be on the ARRL Headquarters staff. On the ham radio side, Cohen enjoys "pounding brass" (that's CW for you newcomers) on the HF bands and building his own gear. ==>SOLAR UPDATE Propagation prognosticator Tad "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)" Cook, K7VVV, Seattle, Washington, reports: The sunspot count remained fairly high this week, with numbers still bouncing around above 200. Average daily sunspot numbers rose nearly 15 points this week, and solar flux was up by 22. This has been quite an active week geomagnetically. Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday were quite active, producing impressive auroral displays in northern latitudes. When this happens, polar HF propagation goes away or gets very weak. A year ago, average sunspot numbers were 34 points higher, and solar flux was higher by nearly 42 points. For the next few days NOAA's forecast from the US Air Force shows planetary A index of 12, 12, 8 and 8 for Friday through Monday, with solar flux at 215, 220, 225 and 220. This forecast shows flux values dipping below 200 by September 22. The autumnal equinox is at 0448 UTC on September 23. This is a great time for DX, especially when the geomagnetic field is quiet. Sunspot numbers for September 5 through 11 were 225, 189, 180, 221, 194, 226 and 213, with a mean of 206.9. The 10.7-cm flux was 175.2, 178.1, 182.8, 191.6, 206, 220.5 and 216.1, with a mean of 195.8. Estimated planetary A indices were 10, 10, 45, 26, 10, 24 and 28, with a mean of 21.9. __________________________________ ==>IN BRIEF: * This weekend on the radio: The ARRL September VHF QSO Party, YLRL Howdy Days, the Worked All Europe DX Contest (SSB), the North American Sprint (SSB) and the Tennessee QSO Party are the weekend of September 14-15. See the ARRL Contest Branch page <http://www.arrl.org/contests/> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar <http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/index.html> for more info. * Certification and Continuing Education Course registration: Registration starts Monday, September 16, at 4 PM Eastern Daylight Time for the for the Level III (Advanced) Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (EC-003) and HF Digital Communications (EC-005) courses. Registration for both courses remains open through Sunday, September 22. Classes begin September 23. To learn more, visit the ARRL Certification and Continuing Education Web page <http://www.arrl.org/cce> and the C-CE Links found there. For more information, contact Certification and Continuing Education Program Coordinator Howard Robins, W1HSR, hrobins@arrl.org. * Correction/clarification: The article "Bass Booted?" in The ARRL Letter, Vol 21, No 35 (September 6, 2002), contained some incorrect and misleading information. The call sign of Nick Lance is KC5KBO (we inadvertently coupled his name with the call sign of his son, KC5SWM). Also, singer Lance Bass, now KG4UYY, met with students (at the Webster School) via a videoconference hookup, not in person as the article implied. * Hiram Percy Maxim Award presented in California: ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, has presented a plaque and a check for $1500 to ARRL 2001 Hiram Percy Maxim Award winner Tamara Stuart, KF6RIV. A formal presentation of the prestigious youth award took place at the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention, held August 16-18. Established in 1936, the HPM Award goes each year to a radio amateur under the age of 21 whose Amateur Radio accomplishments and contributions are of the most exemplary nature. A graduate of Palm Springs High School, Stuart has experimented with radio wave propagation and antenna design and compiled an impressive list of science fair projects and technical presentations. She also has encouraged other young women to pursue nontraditional careers in engineering and science. A ham since 1998 she enjoys VHF and UHF. Stuart plans to pursue a career in engineering. * RS-12/13 appears dead: Jerry Brown, K5OE, reports he's received word from Russian sources that the RS-12/13 satellite is apparently dead. Word is that RS-12/13 went dark as a result of severe solar flare activity in July and August. Efforts are under way to restore the satellite, but hopes for success are dim, according to Brown's Russian acquaintances. RS-12/13 were integrated into the COSMOS 2123 Russian navigation satellite, launched February 5, 1991. Beacons have not been heard since August 20. Information about RS-12 and RS-13 can be found on the AC5DK RS-12/13 Satellite Operators page <http://www.qsl.net/ac5dk/rs1213/rs1213.html>. * Oklahoma club celebrates 35th anniversary with special event: The Tulsa Repeater Organization (TRO) will mark 35 years of service to the Greater Tulsa area with a special event station September 14-15 weekend. Amateurs making contact with WA5LVT will receive a commemorative QSL. The TRO special event operation in Tulsa's Helmerich Park is open to the public. Earlier this year, Oklahoma Gov Frank Keating proclaimed June 17-23 as Amateur Radio Week in recognition of Amateur Radio's "value in public assistance by providing emergency radio communications and for these services they donate to the state." The club boasts some 150 members who volunteer in various public service activities such as the SKYWARN storm spotting network and works with various volunteer agencies, including the Red Cross, in times of disaster. TRO is a ARRL-affiliated Special Service Club. QSL to the Tulsa Repeater Organization, PO Box 1422, Tulsa, OK 74101-1422. Visit the TRO Web site <http://www.tulsahamradio.org>. * ARRL International DX Contest CW results now available to all: The ARRL has posted the results of the 2002 ARRL International DX Contest (CW) event, held last February 16-17. The results are now on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/contests>. While some of the information--such as the search database and the log checking reports--is accessible only by ARRL members, nonmembers will be able to access a Adobe PDF document of the QST contest article--to be posted within the next few days--and the online Soapbox. ARRL Contest Branch Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, says the ARRL International DX Contest 'phone results will be posted "in several weeks." =========================================================== The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; http://www.arrl.org. Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb at http://www.arrl.org for the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRLWeb Extra at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/extra offers ARRL members access to informative features and columns. Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League. ==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!): letter-dlvy@arrl.org ==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL, n1rl@arrl.org ==>ARRL News on the Web: http://www.arrl.org ==>ARRL Audio News: http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/ or call 860-594-0384 ==>How to Get The ARRL Letter The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery: ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site, http://www.arrl.org/members/. You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes, and click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.) The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these sources: * ARRLWeb, http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.) * The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio Club: Visit http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/letter-list. (NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.)