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ARRL Letter


The ARRL Letter
Vol. 21, No. 46
November 22, 2002


* +WRC-03 Conference Preparatory Meeting in full swing
* +West Central Florida SM wins re-election by two votes
* +Adelstein fills fifth FCC slot
* +LA-area repeater problems repeat under new ownership
* +Hams slip into action following northeast ice storm
* +Former ARRL staff member Bob White, W1CW, SK
* +SKYWARN recognition day is December 7
*  USTTI class of 2002 completes amateur administration course
*  Solar Update
     This weekend on the radio
     ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration
     Congress adjourns; HR 4720 expires without action
     Daughter of ARRL co-founder dies
     Transatlantic VHF contact a no-go
     The ARRL Letter delivery problems

+Available on ARRL Audio News

NOTE: Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, ARRL Headquarters will be
closed Friday, November 29. There will be no editions of The ARRL Letter
and ARRL Audio News next week, and W1AW will suspend its normal
transmission schedule Friday, November 29. The K7VVV Solar Update will be
posted early. ARRL Headquarters will reopen Monday, December 2. The ARRL
Letter and ARRL Audio News will resume Friday, December 6. We wish
everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday!--Rick Lindquist, N1RL


The Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) for next year's World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03) opened in Geneva, Switzerland
November 18. Some 1000 delegates are attending the worldwide gathering.

"The objective of the CPM is to approve a 500-page CPM Report to WRC-03
that will provide a technical basis for consideration of administrations'
proposals for changes in the international Radio Regulations," explained
ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ. Sumner is attending in
his role as International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) secretary. He says
174 "input documents" to the CPM offer comments on the existing draft CPM
Report text and propose additions, deletions, and changes.

Chairing the CPM is Germany's Eberhard George, DL7IH. At the day-long
opening plenary, George and the chairpersons of the various working groups
provided an overview of the meeting's structure and the major issues
facing WRC-03.

"Several of the working group chairs were quite candid in their remarks,"
Sumner said. "Music to many ears including amateurs' was the assessment by
New Zealand's Alan Jamieson regarding so-called little LEOs--mobile
satellites operating below 1 GHz." According to Sumner, Jamieson said
there was no congestion in their existing bands, and sharing studies had
been unfavorable. Sumner predicted that the likely outcome at WRC-03 would
be the suppression of an existing Resolution that invites sharing studies
on the basis of an "urgent need" that no longer exists.

A thornier issue is 7-MHz "harmonization." The IARU backs a 300-kHz
worldwide allocation in the vicinity of 7 MHz. "At this stage, we have six
methods to address the agenda item," Sumner said--including no change in
the status quo. The item is in Working Group 5 (WG5) "We can't say for
sure that the six methods will be in the CPM Report until WG5 takes
another pass at the revised draft text and it's approved in plenary."
That's not supposed to happen until next week.

Substantive work of the CPM will be wrapped up November 28--Thanksgiving
in the US, but just another work day in Geneva.

In addition to Sumner, those representing the IARU at the CPM include
President Larry Price, W4RA, and Region 1 Executive Committee member
Wojciech Nietyksza, SP5FM. IARU Vice President David Wardlaw, VK3ADW, is
on the Australian delegation and ARRL Technical Relations Manager Paul
Rinaldo, W4RI, is on the US delegation.

Several other amateurs are on their national delegations, either to
represent the amateur services or in professional capacities.


ARRL West Central Florida Section Manager Dave Armbrust, AE4MR, narrowly
won re-election as ballots were counted in three contested races.
Armbrust--the first and only person to serve as WCF SM--edged out Gerald
Dee Turner, N2MNC, by just two votes--490 to 488. An ARRL Life Member,
Armbrust was first appointed to the job in November 1999, when the new
section was created. He was elected for a two-year term the following

Just last year in Tennessee, Terry Cox, KB4KA, eked out a victory over
David Bower, K4PZT, 540 to 538, for the honor of succeeding outgoing SM
O.D. Keaton, WA4GLS, who decided not to run for another term.

Results in two other ARRL sections were not nearly as close. In South
Carolina, incumbent SM Patricia Hensley, N4ROS, lost out to James Boehner,
N2ZZ, of Aiken, in her bid for a new term. Boehner, an ARRL Life Member
and a physician, outpolled Hensley 431 to 239. He has said he wants to
enhance Amateur Radio growth in his section and "guide the path of Amateur
Radio in South Carolina into the 21st century."

In Western Pennsylvania, incumbent John Rodgers, N3MSE, won re-election
485 to 410 over David Leiser, K3NPX. Rodgers, a ham since 1992, was
appointed SM in 2000, replacing Bill Edgar, N3LLR, who had acceded to Vice
Director. He was elected to a full term later that same year.

ARRL Field and Educational Services staff members counted and verified all
ballots November 19 at ARRL Headquarters.

Incumbent ARRL SMs in six other ARRL sections did not face opposition and
have been declared elected for new two-year terms. They are Phil Temples,
K9HI, Eastern Massachusetts; Dale Bagley, K0KY, Missouri; Bill McCollum,
KE0XQ, Nebraska; George Tranos, N2GA, New York City-Long Island; Thomas
Dick, KF2GC, Northern New York; and Jean Priestley, KA2YKN, Southern New

Terms of office for all successful candidates begin January 1, 2003.

Kansas also will get a new SM on January 1. Orlan Cook, W0OYH, has
announced his retirement from the Kansas Section Manager's position as of
end of this year after serving for five years. ARRL Field and Educational
Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO, has appointed Ron Cowan, KB0DTI, of
La Cygne to complete the year remaining in the present term of office.

Cowan has been an Assistant Section Manager since April, 2002, and has
been the Kansas Section Traffic Manager for about two years.


FCC nominee Jonathan Adelstein was sworn in this week to fill the
Commission's remaining open slot. The nomination of Adelstein, a Democrat
and a protégé of South Dakota Sen Tom Daschle, had been held hostage for
most of this year because of political wrangling over several judicial
nominations. Adelstein will finish out the term of former Commissioner
Gloria Tristani, which ends in June.

The only other Democrat on the FCC, Michael J. Copps, called it "a happy
day" for himself and the FCC. Copps said Adelstein will make "an
exceptionally fine new colleague" whose addition will bring the FCC up and
running at full complement.

Okayed last summer by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Committee, Adelstein was confirmed by the Senate November 14 in a
procedural floor vote.

Earlier this year, Adelstein's FCC nomination appeared dead for the year
as Senate Republicans and Democrats squabbled over judicial nominations,
and some Republicans, placed anonymous holds on Adelstein's nomination.
The election and the change in Senate control obviated the issues
involved, however.

The White House nominated Adelstein last February.


The former W6NUT repeater in the Los Angeles area has a new owner and a
new call sign, N6SAP. Nonetheless, complaints of the same sort of
on-the-air behavior that inspired an FCC inquiry of the previous trustee
more than a year ago have occurred under the new regime. The new owner
says he's in the process of changing things for the better, however. A
November 5 letter from FCC Special Counsel for Enforcement Riley
Hollingsworth publicly put the machine's new trustee, Scott A. Press,
N6SAP, on the spot because of allegations that some users had interfered
with attempts to pass emergency traffic. Two users identified as having
caused the interference also received inquiries from Hollingsworth.

"We view these allegations as extremely serious," Hollingsworth told
Press--the repeater trustee--and those said to have been involved in the
October 2 incident. He also cautioned those accused of perpetrating the
problem against retaliating in any matter toward the complainants.

A League member, Press told ARRL this week that he's been working hard to
turn around the repeater's past reputation but change will not happen
overnight. "I knew what I was getting into when I bought the system and
have made some strong progress with the exception of a few bad apples who
have not seen the light yet," he said. "They are being shaken from the
tree one by one."

Press purchased the former W6NUT repeater, once owned by Kathryn Tucker,
AA6TK. According to FCC records, the trusteeship formally transferred
September 3. At one point in 2001, the FCC terminated authority to operate
the repeater under automatic control. An earlier FCC review into the
repeater's operation followed allegations that the licensee or control
operator failed to address incessant jamming, broadcasting, the playing of
music and other potential violations.

An N6SAP repeater user, Anthony Cardenas, WA6IGJ, complained to the FCC
that he was jammed October 2 after attempting to use the repeater to
report a motorist stranded in the midst of freeway traffic. Cardenas
alleged that Ledge Musselman, KC6NCN, and Anton Johnson, N6OAY, blocked
his efforts to alert the California Highway Patrol to the potentially
hazardous situation via ham radio. Hollingsworth included the allegations
in essentially identical letters to Musselman and Johnson, also sent
November 5.

Information from Press and others who monitored the incident indicated
that Press did just that. He shut down the N6SAP repeater for 20 minutes
after other operators were unsuccessful in efforts to convince the
interfering stations to let Cardenas pass his traffic. Transcripts of the
recordings indicate that the interference consisted mostly of disparaging
remarks, unmodulated carriers and singing. Cardenas says he was able to
contact the police via another repeater.

Press has told the FCC that Cardenas' account of the incident was
"accurate and true." He told ARRL that he'd been promptly in touch with
the complainant and with an ARRL Official Observer who forwarded the
complaint to the League.

According to the FCC, Press has told Johnson and Musselman to stay off the
N6SAP repeater at least until the current dispute is resolved. "We expect
that request to be honored," Hollingsworth said, "and if it is not, we
will immediately institute license revocation proceedings," he wrote.
Press has since also banned Cardenas from the N6SAP repeater.

Press said he's been working closely with the FCC to "clear up many things
that are just out of my reach." Hollingsworth this week commended Press
for "trying very hard to change what was a disgrace to Amateur Radio into
a viable Amateur repeater" and said the FCC supports his efforts.


Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) members got to work quickly the
morning of Sunday, November 17, as an ice storm knocked out power to
almost 130,000 Connecticut homes and businesses, mostly in the
northwestern part of the state. The statewide alert--and the resulting
ARES activation--lasted 48 hours. Connecticut Gov John Rowland toured the
region and visited the ham station set up at the Torrington Emergency
Operations Center.

Connecticut Section Emergency Coordinator Allen Pitts, W1AGP, said about
30 hams from all over The Nutmeg State headed into the affected area,
mostly in northwestern Connecticut. He characterized ARES members' efforts
as "wonderful." Pitts said Connecticut ARES had been drilling informally
in conjunction with ARES teams in Eastern New York and New Hampshire, and
the effort paid off. "The drills covered a very similar situation," he
said. "The level of coordination and cooperation was incredible."

ARRL staffer Brennan Price, N4QX, was among those taking a turn as net
control of the Connecticut Phone Net on 3965 kHz. "The good thing about
this particular situation was with such a small part of the state hit,
there were a lot of others in the state able to help out," he said. "It
all came together quickly and was nicely pulled off."

West Hartford-Area EC Harry Abery, AB1ER, said most of the work hams did
was in Torrington area shelters. That Litchfield County community was
among the hardest hit.

Connecticut ARES linked 10 VHF and UHF repeaters in Torrington, Vernon,
Naugatuck, Meriden, New Milford and Washington. Separate resource and
tactical nets were run on other 2 meter repeaters.

Dutchess County, New York, EC Adam Nowik Jr, KC2DAA, said amateurs in
Eastern New York activated their own net, and more than a half dozen New
Yorkers arrived in the Torrington area within three hours of the
activation. "Our net was kept active in the event the Connecticut section
had need for additional communications or had a complete communications
breakdown," Nowik said. Frank Stone, KB2YUR, served as a liaison between
Abery and the hams in Eastern New York for the duration of the incident.

After 27 hours, the Connecticut Phone Net's Emergency session on HF was
able to stand down the afternoon of November 18, as temperatures rose into
the 40s. But 20 minutes later, the net was back up after a trunk line from
New York went down and more people lost power, Pitts said. Relief efforts
by area radio amateurs continued into the evening of November 18, when the
statewide ARES alert was terminated. "We did not shut down statewide until
we were sure everyone was off the roads, home safe and checked in," Pitts

Pitts credited greater professionalism and proficiency over the past
several months to the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications courses
<> offered on-line. "We're seeing a real
difference, and the quality of operations is definitely up," he said.
Thanks to a $33,000 grant from Hartford-based United Technologies
Corporation, up to 250 Connecticut amateurs will be able to take the ARRL
Level I Amateur Radio Emergency Communications course (EC-001) free of


Former ARRL Headquarters staff member Bob White, W1CW, died November 22 in
Florida from complications arising from pneumonia. He was 83. White was an
ARRL Life Member and had belonged to the League for 62 years.

Known to many as "Mr DXCC," White was the manager of the ARRL's DX Century
Club program from 1952 until 1976, establishing the award--and its
stringent standards--as Amateur Radio's premier DX achievement. White
codified the rules for the DXCC program and oversaw the checking of some
250,000 QSL cards submitted yearly, often working as many as 90 hours a
week to ensure that the job got done right. White also oversaw the ARRL
QSL Service from 1976 until 1978.

"Dad was the guy who made DXCC what it was," said White's son, Jim White,
K4OJ, in a posting to the CQ Contest reflector. "He didn't cut any
corners--everyone was held to the same high standard--and this is what
made holding DXCC meaningful."

Introduced to Amateur Radio in his youth by his stepfather, Gordon Brown,
W6APG, White was first licensed in 1938. He served as a radio operator in
the US Navy during World War II.

White was an avid DXer, contester and CW enthusiast whose fist was
familiar to thousands of hams. Active in the First-Class CW Operators'
Club, White was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 1998. He also was
a member of the A1 Operator Club.

Survivors include his wife Ellen, W1YL, and his son Jim, K4OJ, both former
ARRL staff members.

Friends may send condolence messages via e-mail <>; or
to 6607 Flicker Ct, Seffner, FL 33584. The family invites memorial
donations to the W1CW Memorial Fund-Florida Contest Group, c/o Frederick M
Perkins Jr, 3437 Lake Josephine Dr, Lake Placid FL 33852 USA. Per White's
request, there will be no public service.


The fourth annual SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD)
<>is December 7 (UTC). That's when Amateur Radio
operators set up stations at National Weather Service (NWS) offices and
contact other operators around the world. The event is sponsored by the
ARRL and the National Weather Service.

"The purpose of the event is to recognize the vital public service
contribution that Amateur Radio operators make during National Weather
Service severe weather warning operations," said David Floyd, N5DBZ,
warning coordination meteorologist, at the NWS Goodland, Kansas, office.
"It also strengthens the bond between Amateur Radio operators and the
local National Weather Service office."

For several decades now, hams have assisted the NWS by providing real-time
reports of severe weather and storm evolution. The information radio
operators locate near a storm can provide plays a key role in aiding
forecasters. SKYWARN operators in several states activated to spot and
track an outbreak of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes November 10.

Scott Mentzer, N0QE--the meteorologist-in-charge of the NWS office in
Goodland, Kansas, and the creator and annual organizer of SRD--says more
than 90 stations are registered to participate, up from 80 last year. Most
participating NWS stations will operate on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 2
meters using SSB and FM. Mentzer says a number of NWS offices will be
equipped to support Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) stations.

All contacts will be made utilizing the General or Novice portion of the
bands. Stations will exchange signal report, location and a one-word
description of the current weather at their respective locations ("sunny,"
"partly cloudy," "windy," etc). This is not a contest, so no scoring will
be computed.

SKYWARN Recognition Day will take place December 7 from 0000 UTC to 2400
UTC. Since SRD is being held on Pearl Harbor Day, each NWS office will
transmit a special message from approximately 1800 to 1900
UTC--approximately the time of the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, attack on
December 7, 1941--to honor the World War II veterans.

The deadline to register an NWS site is December 1. Contact Mentzer to
register: Complete information is available on the
2002 SKYWARN Recognition Day Web site <>.


Six students from around the world recently attended the United States
Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)/International Amateur Radio
Union (IARU) course on Amateur Radio administration at ARRL Headquarters.
The course was held November 4-8.

Coordinated by USTTI and presented jointly by IARU and ARRL staffers, the
program covers--among other topics--the International Telecommunication
Union and ITU regulations, the IARU, spectrum management, emergency
communication, digital communication, satellites, electromagnetic
interference, international licensing, and Amateur Radio testing and
licensing in the US.

The trainees also constructed a simple 40-meter receiver in the ARRL Lab.

Attending this year's session were Ivannia Marcela Blanco of Costa Rica,
Mabel Doku of Ghana, Antonio Edward Eba Padre of the Philippines, Nicolae
Ghibu of Romania, Sung-Chul Chae of South Korea, and O'Connor Malambo of
Zambia. All of the students are in occupations in their home countries
that involve the use of telecommunications.

Teaching the majority of the Amateur Radio Administration Course were ARRL
Technical Relations Specialists Jon Siverling, WB3ERA, and Walt Ireland,
WB7CSL--both of the ARRL's Washington, DC, office. The staff of the ARRL
Laboratory was on hand to help with the construction of the receiver.

ARRL staff member Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ, served as USTTI coordinator this

For more information on USTTI, visit the USTTI Web site


Solar sage Tad "I'll Follow the Sun" Cook, K7VVV, Seattle, Washington,
reports: Conditions very quiet, with mid-latitude A index for Friday
through Sunday at a placid 8, 3 and 5, and the planetary A index at 11, 8
and 8. Mid-latitude K indices were zero over several periods on Saturday
and Sunday.

Average daily sunspot numbers were down more than 62 points this week over
last, and average solar flux was down nearly 5 points.

Sunspot 198, squarely aimed at Earth on November 21, has a potential for
solar flares. The planetary K index rose to a very high value of 7, and
planetary A index was 50.

For the CW weekend of the CQ Worldwide DX Contest
<> the
predicted planetary A index is 35, 20 and 15. Solar flux is predicted to
rise very gradually over the next few weeks to just below 200 before

Sunspot numbers for November 14 through 20 were 185, 185, 162, 139, 119,
105 and 108, with a mean of 143.3.  The-10.7 cm flux was 184.1, 197.5,
199.2, 184.7, 178.9, 168.2 and 159.1, with a mean of 181.7. Estimated
planetary A indices were 9, 11, 8, 8, 12, 14 and 17, with a mean of 11.3.



* This weekend on the radio:  The CQ Worldwide DX Contest (CW) and the
ARRL International EME Contest are the weekend of November 23-24 (NOTE:
The CQ WW CW event typically takes place the weekend after Thanksgiving,
but Thanksgiving is late this year.) JUST AHEAD: The QRP ARCI Holiday
Spirits Sprint is December 1; the QRP ARCI Topband Sprint is December 4-5.
The ARRL 160-Meter Contest, the PSK31 Death Match, the TARA RTTY Sprint,
the TOPS Activity 80-Meter Contest are the weekend of December 7-8. The
ARRL 10-Meter Contest and the Great Colorado Snowshoe Run are the weekend
of December 14-15. See the ARRL Contest Branch page
<> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar
<> for more info.

* ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration:
Registration for the ARRL Satellite Communications course (EC-007) opens
Monday, November 25, 4 PM EST (2100 UTC). Registration remains open
through Sunday, December 1. Classes begin Monday, December 2. Registration
for the Level III Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (EC-003) and the
HF Digital Communications (EC-005) courses remains open through Sunday,
November 24. A new service now allows those considering taking an ARRL
Certification and Continuing Education (C-CE) course in the future to be
advised via e-mail in advance of registration opportunities. Send an
e-mail to, and include the course name or number (eg,
EC-003) on the subject line as well as your name, call sign and month you
wish to start the course in the body. To learn more, visit the ARRL
Certification and Continuing Education Web page <>
and the C-CE Links found there. For more information, contact
Certification and Continuing Education Program Coordinator Howard Robins,

* Congress adjourns; HR 4720 expires without action: The US House of
Representatives officially adjourned for the year November 22 at 2:33 PM.
The US Senate wrapped up its business earlier this week, so the 107th
Congress is officially in the books. With adjournment go any hopes of
passage of HR 4720, the CC&R bill introduced by New York Democrat Steve
Israel earlier in the year. ARRL members are requested to wait until a new
CC&R bill--with a new bill number--is introduced in the next session of
Congress before seeking cosponsorship support from members of Congress.

* Daughter of ARRL co-founder dies: Percy Maxim Lee, the daughter of ARRL
co-founder Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW, died November 9. She was 96. "She was
a remarkable woman, one more in a line of remarkable people," said ARRL
Pacific Division Director Jim Maxwell, W6CF. Born July 4, 1906, Percy
Maxim Lee led an active political and civic life, serving as president of
the Connecticut League of Women Voters from 1941 to 1950 and four terms as
president of the League of Women Voters of the United States from 1950 to
1958. She received national appointments to various councils and
commissions from four presidents and was active in water and land-use
issues in Connecticut. She also founded the Junior School (now Renbrook
School) in West Hartford, Connecticut, served on the boards of several New
England schools and was vice chairman of the board of trustees for
Connecticut College. The family invites memorial contributions to Lawrence
and Memorial Hospital, 365 Montauk Ave, New London, CT 06320 or to or the
League of Women Voters of the United States, 1730 M St NW, Ste 1000,
Washington, DC, 20036-4508.--some information from The Day of New London

* Transatlantic VHF contact a no-go: Groups of amateurs from Germany,
Canada and Ireland had no luck in their attempt to make the first two-way
transatlantic VHF contact in conjunction with this week's Leonid meteor
shower. The effort was, in part, a quest for the Brendan Trophies
<> offered by the Irish Radio Transmitters
Society <>. One group was on the Irish coast, while the
other operated from Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs (SONRA)
<> club station VO1AA, located at Signal Hill National
Historic Site of Canada. That's the spot where Marconi received the first
transatlantic signal almost 101 years ago. "It's been quite an adventure,"
said Paul Piercey, VO1HE, who was at the Newfoundland end. "We never made
the contact because the meteor shower didn't seem as big as predicted, he
said." The Brendan Trophies will go to each of the operators of the two
Amateur Radio stations that first establish two-way communication between
Europe and North or South America on 2 meters. The teams in Ireland and
Newfoundland attempted to use the ionized meteor trails to reflect FSK441
signals across the Atlantic. A 1999 effort to complete a transatlantic
2-meter contact between Newfoundland and Scotland on CW also was
unsuccessful. The group conceded that bridging the more than 1920-mile gap
between Newfoundland and Ireland via meteor scatter probably would require
"an unusual kind of propagation."--Paul Piercey, VO1HE

* The ARRL Letter delivery problems: A few e-mail recipients of The ARRL
Letter have reported that some recent editions never arrived in their
e-mail in boxes. If this occurs, members who have signed up for direct
delivery via their ARRL Web site Member Data Page
<> first should be certain
that their ARRL membership has not expired. If their membership is
current, they should send an e-mail to Some
recipients also have reported that certain anti-SPAM filters will
sequester editions of The ARRL Letter or prevent delivery altogether.
Especially if you receive The ARRL Letter at a business address, consider
checking with your system administrator to see if anti-SPAM software could
be the problem. Current and back issues of The ARRL Letter, typically
distributed Fridays, remain available to all via the ARRL Web site
<>. The ARRL Letter goes out 50 times a year
to some 65,000 ARRL members.

The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American
Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main
St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President.

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of
interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely,
accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb at for
the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRLWeb Extra at offers ARRL members access to
informative features and columns.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or
in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to
The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):
==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL,
==>ARRL News on the Web:
==>ARRL Audio News: or call

==>How to Get The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from

To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery:
ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site, You'll have an opportunity during
registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW
bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including
delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the
"Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify
membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes, and click on
"Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff
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yourself via the Members Only Web Site.)

The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these

* ARRLWeb, (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be
posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.)

* The listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur
Radio Club: Visit
(NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via
this listserver.)


The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly summary of essential news of interest to active amateurs that is available in advance of publication in QST, our official journal. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise and readable.

Much of the ARRL Letter content is also available in audio form in ARRL Audio News.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

Back issues published since 2000 are available on this page. If you wish to subscribe via e-mail, simply log on to the ARRL Web site, click on Edit Your Profile at the top, then click on Edit Email Subscriptions. Check the box next to The ARRL email newsletter, the ARRL Letter and you will receive each weekly issue in HTML format. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):

Editorial questions or comments: John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, at


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