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ARRL Letter


The ARRL Letter
Vol. 26, No. 07
February 16, 2007


* +States consider a new crop of "cell phone" bills
* +Two cosponsors sign onto BPL study bill
* +Japanese elementary schoolers learn about life in space via ham radio
* +ARRL seeks Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award nominations
* +At least one US ham-astronaut to be on next three ISS crews
* +Job opportunity at ARRL HQ: Emergency Communications Manager
*  Solar Update
     This weekend on the radio: The ARRL International DX Contest (CW)!
     ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration
     ARRL Headquarters closed Monday, February 19
    +Nominations invited for Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year
    +FCC affirms big fine for marketing non-certified transceivers
     Betty C. Mallay, KL7AP, SK
     ARRL COO to speak at Communications Academy 2007
     New England's "Hosstraders" hamfest calls it quits
     AMSAT-UK issues call for colloquium papers
     Brazilian power company launches BPL pilot project

+Available on ARRL Audio News <>

==>Delivery problems: First see FAQ
<>, then e-mail
==>Editorial questions or comments only: Rick Lindquist, N1RL,
NOTE: This week's editions of The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News are being
distributed one day early to accommodate vacation schedules.


Bills aimed at thwarting "driving while cellular" and "driving while
distracted" behavior have been introduced in several states, and most are
worded broadly enough to potentially proscribe some Amateur Radio mobile
operation. ARRL Regulatory Information Specialist Dan Henderson, N1ND
<>;, so far has catalogued 11 active pieces of legislation.
Bills introduced in Montana and New Mexico have been sidelined for now, but
related measures -- more than one in some states -- remain alive in Georgia,
New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming. Henderson
reports that ARRL Field Organization volunteers and members called the
League's attention to the various pieces of pending legislation, none of
which specifically exempt Amateur Radio mobile operation.

"In most cases we try to work to have language exempting Amateur Radio
inserted into the bill, rather than narrowing by definition the behavior or
activity the bill seeks to address," Henderson explains. "It is a far easier
approach and removes ambiguity down the road."

Henderson says that, if requested, the League will advise radio amateurs
preparing to testify about a bill before a state legislative committee. "We
offer some suggestions regarding what to cover and how to approach their
testimony," he said. "We also will speak with legislators or their aides to
try and clarify questions or help them craft language that help accomplish
our goal of specifically exempting Amateur Radio operation from these
measures." Most of the measures include exceptions for emergency
communication and law enforcement agencies.

In Georgia, House Bill 5 (HB 5) would assess those anyone found to be
"driving while distracted" while using a wireless communication device one
driver's license infraction point. The bill defines "device" to cover not
only cellular or mobile telephones -- whether or not they're hands-free, but
any "wireless communication device, personal digital assistant, radio or
citizens band radio." HB 5 thus appears to include such routine activities
as changing the station on your car radio.

In Montana, House Bill 233 (HB 233) would restrict drivers from "the use of
electronic communication devices, or any other activity that causes the
driver to become inattentive." This bill was tabled in committee on January
30, following a hearing a few days earlier.

In New Jersey, Assembly Bill 1966 (A 1966), would broaden the scope of that
state's existing law prohibiting the use of a hand-held wireless telephone
while driving. It would expand the law to cover "distracted driving" by
prohibiting a motor vehicle operator from engaging in "any activity
unrelated to the actual operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that
interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle."

In New Mexico, House Bill 241 (HB 241) would prohibit a driver from using "a
mobile communication device while operating a motor vehicle." The measure
has been tabled.

Three related bills now are in play in Oregon: House Bill 2482 (HB 2482) and
Senate Bill 293 (SB 293) contain essentially the same language, making it an
offense to operate a motor vehicle "while using a mobile communication
device" without a hands-free accessory. Senate Bill 246 (SB 246) establishes
such behavior as an offense, punishable by a fine of up to $180 and
providing more serious consequences if property damage, injury or death
result -- up to and including license suspension and prison terms.

In Texas, Senate Bill 154 (SB 154) would prohibit a motor vehicle operator
from using a "wireless communication device" while under way, unless
equipped for hands-free operation.

In Vermont, two measures are in play. House Bill 31 (HB 31) would make it a
violation to use a "cellular telephone" while in motion on the highway,
except in the event of an emergency. Enforcement would be secondary; ie,
police would have to first stop a driver for a suspected violation of
another traffic offense. A more-restrictive bill, HB 126, addresses
"distracted driving," and cites "any activity involving the use of one or
both of the driver's hands if the activity is not necessary for the
operation of the vehicle or any of its installed accessories." The bill
would include activities ranging from smoking, eating or drinking to
"performing personal grooming," "interacting with pets or unsecured cargo"
and "using personal communications technologies." Hands-free cell phone
operation would be permissible, however.

In Washington, House Bill 1214 (HB 1214) would outlaw such activities as
"reading, manually writing or sending a message on an electronic wireless
communications device." The measure does not include an exception for
hands-free devices.

In Wyoming, two nearly identical measures are alive. The more general
legislation, House Bill 152 (HB 152) addresses using "a cellular or
satellite telephone while operating a motor vehicle" without a hands-free
device. House Bill 284 (HB 284) contains essentially identical language but
specifies drivers operating under an "intermediate permit." Both incorporate
an exemption for Citizens Band, but not for Amateur Radio operation.

Henderson advises ARRL members to contact their Section Manager
<> to learn about any
initiatives under way to address the ham radio implications of a particular
state bill.


A bill in the US House of Representatives calling on the FCC to study the
interference potential of broadband over power line (BPL) technology and
report its findings back to Congress has gained two cosponsors, its sponsor,
US Rep Mike Ross, WD5DVR (D-AR), reports. They are US Rep Steve Israel
(D-NY) and US Rep Ron Paul (R-TX). One of two radio amateurs in the House,
Ross submitted the "Emergency Amateur Radio Interference Protection Act of
2007" (HR 462) <> on
January 12. Last year, the US House passed a telecommunications bill, HR
5252, containing language that Ross proposed requiring the FCC to study the
interference potential of BPL systems. The legislation never made it out of
Congress, however. In a letter to his House colleagues inviting additional
cosponsors, Ross emphasized that his primary goal is to minimize BPL's
interference potential.

"In the 110th Congress, I have reintroduced this legislation and narrowed
the scope of the study significantly so as to not hinder any broadband
Internet deployment that does not cause proven interference," Ross wrote.
"The study called for by this bill will not slow, nor frustrate, the
deployment of competitive broadband delivery mechanisms. It will not inhibit
the deployment of Broadband over Power Line (BPL) systems anywhere in the
US. The purpose of the study is to ascertain what additional rules should be
adopted by the FCC governing BPL systems in order to reduce the interference
potential to a reasonably low level."

Ross said that as a radio amateur, he believes it's imperative that BPL's
interference potential be thoroughly examined and comprehensively evaluated.
"Power lines are not designed to prevent radiation of RF energy; therefore
BPL represents a significant potential interference source for all public
safety radio services using this frequency range, including Amateur Radio
operators," he told his colleagues.

HR 462 would require the Commission to address several technical facets,
including variations in BPL emission field strength with distance from power
lines and a technical justification for using a particular distance
extrapolation factor when making measurements.

The FCC also would have to investigate the degree of notching necessary "to
protect the reliability of mobile radio communications," and provide a
technical justification for permitted BPL radiated emission levels relative
to ambient noise levels. Finally, the study would have to outline options
for new or improved BPL rules aimed at preventing harmful interference to
public safety and other radio communication systems.

HR 462 has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. If
Ross's measure is adopted by both houses of Congress and signed by the
president, the FCC would have to undertake a study of BPL's interference
potential within 90 days of enactment and report to the House Committee on
Energy and Commerce and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and


US astronaut Suni Williams, KD5PLB, this week continued her string of
successful Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) school
contacts when she spoke with youngsters at Hanazono Elementary School in
Japan. ARISS arranged the February 12 direct VHF QSO between NA1SS in space
and 8N3F at the school. Williams said that supplies of fresh food tend to go
fast aboard the space station.

"We do get fresh food, raw food, when the Progress [supply rocket] comes
up," Williams explained, "and we try to eat it within the first month
because, yeah, it's just going to get old up here."

She also told the youngsters that the ISS crew members rarely argue with one

"Well, sometimes we have arguments, but usually we just discuss and,
actually, end up laughing quite a bit, over dinner," she said. Now onboard
the ISS with Williams are Expedition 14 Commander Mike Lopez-Alegria,
KE5GTK, and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, RZ3FT.

Responding to another youngster's question, Williams said that various odors
abound aboard the space station.

"There are all sorts of smells up here, ranging from food to the different
metals to some of the materials that we're working with," she said, "so
there's all sorts of good and bad smells up here."

As for space trash, Williams explained that it all goes into the Progress
supply rocket that remains attached to the ISS after its cargo has been
unloaded. Once the rocket it full, it's sent into Earth's atmosphere where
it disintegrates.

All told, Williams managed to answer 21 of the students' questions during
the approximately 10-minute pass before the space station went over the
horizon and out of range. On hand for the occasion were some 200 onlookers,
including teachers, parents and other pupils, plus members of the news media
-- one newspaper and one TV station.

Serving as the 8N3F control operator was Kaz Tanaka, JG3QZN. The contact
came off without a hitch despite a temporary power outage aboard the space
station a day earlier. A space walk is scheduled for February 22.

ARISS <> is an international educational outreach
with US participation by ARRL, AMSAT and NASA.


The ARRL invites nominations for the 2006 Hiram Percy Maxim (HPM) Memorial
Award <>. The League's
premier youth recognition, the HPM Memorial Award goes annually to a radio
amateur under age 21 in recognition of the recipient's accomplishments and
contributions "of the most exemplary nature" to both the Amateur Radio
community and the local community during the previous calendar year -- 2006
in this instance.

Nomination criteria may include:

* Participation or leadership in organizational affairs at the local or
national level (for example, local radio club, ARES, net control,
participation in civic groups);

* Technical achievement (for example, built a radio, put up an antenna,

* Operating record (for example, nets, disaster drills, contests, ARRL
November Sweepstakes, etc);

* Recruitment and training of new amateurs (for example, helped teach a
license class, JOTA, etc);

* Public relations activities (for example, create a ham radio Web page).

To nominate a deserving candidate, submit a completed nomination form
<> to your
ARRL Section Manager (SM), along with any supporting information and
endorsements of ARRL-affiliated clubs and elected or appointed League
officials. SMs make the formal nominations. There is no limit to the number
of nominations an individual or club may submit to an SM, and SMs may
nominate more than one individual. SMs need to have all information in
sufficient time to submit a formal nomination to ARRL Headquarters by March
31. A list of SMs is available on the ARRL Web site

Nomination forms and supporting information should document as thoroughly as
possible the Amateur Radio achievements and contributions of the nominee
during the previous calendar year. ARRL must receive all supporting
documentation by April 15. An award panel reviews the nominations and
selects the winner.

HPM Memorial Award winners receive a cash award of $1500 and an engraved
plaque. For more information, contact Mark Spencer, WA8SME
<>;; 530-495-9150.


NASA and its International Space Station partners have announced the
expected ISS crew complements for the next two years, and the list includes
several Amateur Radio licensees. The crew members comprise three ISS
expeditions and represent four space agencies.

"We now have a ham-licensed US crew member -- including back-up crew members
-- who will be onboard the ISS through Expedition 18," said Rosalie White,
K1STO, who's secretary-treasurer of the Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station (ARISS) program <>.

Assignments include the first long-duration station flight for a Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA, astronaut and the second long-duration
station flight for a European Space Agency, ESA, astronaut. "The JAXA and
ESA astronauts will work on the installation and checkout of the Japanese
Experiment Module Kibo and European Columbus laboratories on the space
station," NASA said this week.

NASA astronaut and ISS Expedition 5 crew member Peggy Whitson, KC5ZTD -- an
ARISS veteran -- will command Expedition 16, set to begin this fall. Flight
engineers for that mission include cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, RK3DUP -- who
was ISS Expedition 7 commander -- ESA astronaut Leopold Eyharts, KE5FNO -- a
Mir veteran -- and NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman, KE5HAE. They will join
NASA astronaut Daniel Tani, KD5DXE, aboard the station.

Eyharts will fly to the station on space shuttle mission STS-122, which is
expected to deliver the Columbus lab module this fall. He'll remain aboard
to oversee activation and checkout of the laboratory while Tani takes the
shuttle home. Reisman will replace Eyharts and remain on the station for
about six months.

Cosmonaut Sergei Volkov, arriving in the spring of 2008, will command
Expedition 17. Flight engineers include cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, RN3DX, and
NASA astronaut Sandra Magnus, KE5FYE.

NASA astronaut and ISS Expedition 9 veteran Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, will
command Expedition 18. Flight engineers include cosmonaut and veteran
station crew member Salizhan Sharipov, JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata, KC5ZTA,
and NASA astronaut Gregory Chamitoff, KD5PKZ.

Under the current system of ISS crew rotations, there are at least three
crew members aboard during any given expedition, with one crew member's duty
tour bridging two expeditions. All ISS crew members spend approximately six
months aboard the orbiting outpost. -- NASA/ARISS


The ARRL seeks to fill the new position of Emergency communications Manager
within Membership and Volunteer Programs. This is a permanent staff position
at League Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, and applicants must be
willing to relocate. Candidates should have at least a bachelor's degree or
equivalent experience and an Amateur Radio license. Applicants should hold
or be able to earn an Amateur Extra class ticket.

Other qualifications include:

* knowledge of Amateur Radio, including HF, VHF and digital modes related to
emergency communications

* five years' minimum ARES/RACES experience or equivalent

* ARRL Field Organization leadership experience

* knowledge of and experience with ICS and NIMS (FEMA 100 and 700
certification highly desirable, 200 and 800 certification recommended)

* completion of the Level 1 ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
course (EC-001)

* superior speaking and writing skills.

Emergency communications professional and/or first responder experience is

The Emergency Communications Manager will act as ARRL emergency
communications liaison to government agencies, including FEMA and the
Department of Homeland Security. This individual also will:

* administer memoranda of understanding between ARRL and served agencies,
such as the American Red Cross

* maintain and encourage relationships with all ARRL served agencies

* create and administer ARRL's internal emergency response plan

* coordinate Simulated Emergency Tests

* assist field personnel with emergency communications and public service
events, as required

* maintain and update ARRL emergency communications training materials and
publications plus ARRL emergency communications and public service Web

* maintain the ARES volunteer database

* act as liaison to ARRL emergency communications Field Organization

* write/edit occasional material for QST and other ARRL publications

* manage other emergency communications and public service-related issues.

To apply, submit cover letter and resume via e-mail or USPS to Human
Resources Manager LouAnn Campanello <>;, ARRL, 225 Main
St, Newington, CT 06111. ARRL is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Solar flash Tad "Sunrise, Sunset" Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington, reports:
The sunspot number is currently zero, and the sun appears spotless, at least
from this side. Currently a solar wind is causing geomagnetic instability
here on Earth, and the mid-latitude K index was five at 0600 UTC on February

Sunspot numbers for February 8 through 14 were 22, 11, 11, 0, 0, 0 and 0,
with a mean of 6.3. The 10.7 cm flux was 78.4, 76.7, 75.9, 74.7, 73.6, 72.7,
and 72.7, with a mean of 75. Estimated planetary A indices were 7, 4, 3, 2,
7, 17 and 18, with a mean of 8.3. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 6,
3, 2, 1, 4, 13 and 16, with a mean of 6.4.

For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical
Information Service Propagation page



* This weekend on the radio: The ARRL International DX Contest (CW) is the
weekend of February 17-18. The Run for the Bacon QRP Contest is February 19.
The RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (CW) is February 22. JUST AHEAD: The CQ
World Wide 160-Meter Contest (SSB), the Russian PSK WW Contest, the REF
Contest (SSB), the UBA DX Contest (CW), the North American QSO Party (RTTY),
the High Speed Club CW Contest, and the North Carolina QSO Party are the
weekend of February 24-25. The ARRL International DX Contest (SSB) is the
weekend of March 3-4. See the ARRL Contest Branch page
<> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar
<> for more info.

* ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration:
Registration remains open through Monday, March 5, for these ARRL
Certification and Continuing Education CCE <> online
courses beginning Friday, March 16: Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Level 2 (EC-002), Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 3 (EC-003R2),
Antenna Modeling (EC-004), HF Digital Communications (EC-005), VHF/UHF --
Life Beyond the Repeater (EC-008) and Radio Frequency Propagation (EC-011).
These courses will also open for registration Friday, March 2, for classes
beginning Friday, April. To learn more, visit the CCE Course Listing page
<> or contact the CCE Department

* ARRL Headquarters closed Monday, February 19: ARRL Headquarters will be
closed Monday, February 19, for the Presidents' Day holiday. ARRL
Headquarters will reopen Tuesday, February 20, at 8 AM.

* Nominations invited for Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year:
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2007 Amateur Radio Newsline Young
Ham of the Year (YHOTY) Award. The award recognizes a radio amateur 18 years
old or younger who has used ham radio to significantly contribute to the
benefit of Amateur Radio, to the state of the communications art or to the
community or nation. Nominations are being accepted for Amateur Radio
licensees living in the 48 contiguous United States, Puerto Rico and the 10
Canadian provinces. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted
before May 30, 2007, on an official application. Download a nomination form
or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to 2007 Young Ham of the Year
Award, c/o Newsline, 28197 Robin Ave, Santa Clarita, CA 91350. Nominations
may be made online using a Web form, but supporting materials must be
submitted separately. Presentation of the 2007 YHOTY Award will take place
in August at the Huntsville Hamfest in Alabama, site of the 2007 ARRL
National Convention. There's more information on the YHOTY Web site

* FCC affirms big fine for marketing non-certified transceivers: The FCC has
affirmed a $14,000 fine it proposed in November in the case of a California
radio amateur. The Commission alleges that Jason Kaltenbach, KE6CND, doing
business as Metamerchant of Laguna Nigel, "willfully and repeatedly"
violated FCC rules and the Communications Act of 1934 by marketing
non-certified VHF and UHF transceivers on the eBay auction site. In a
Forfeiture Order (NoF) released February 2, the FCC said Kaltenbach failed
to respond to its November 9 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture
(NAL) <>,
so the Commission affirmed the fine based on the information it had.
According to the NAL, an FCC agent found two models of KYD brand
transceivers offered by Metamerchant, one capable of operating on 136 to 174
MHz at 3 W, the other capable of operating on 400 to 470 MHz at 4 W. In
January 2006, the FCC cited Kaltenbach, d/b/a Metamerchant, for violating
§302(b) of the Communications Act and §2.803(a)(1) of its rules by marketing
non-certified General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Multi-Use Radio
Service (MURS) transceivers. Kaltenbach told the Commission the gear had
been listed accidentally and that he removed them from sale and corrected
his auction listing. Nonetheless, the NAL recounted, an FCC agent was able
to purchase a non-certified VHF transceiver via auction from Metamerchant
last March. In July, the FCC's Seattle office received a complaint from
someone who purchased a UHF transceiver from Metamerchant via eBay that was
neither FCC-certified nor certifiable.

* Betty C. Mallay, KL7AP, SK: Betty Mallay, KL7AP, of Columbia, Maryland,
died February 11 after a brief illness. She was 61. An ARRL Life Member,
Mallay was a telecommunications specialist with the FCC's High Frequency
Direction Finding (HFDF) Group in Columbia and an active radio amateur.
"Betty was our project lead and worked closely with Riley Hollingsworth
coordinating the HFDF side of our Amateur Radio enforcement work," said HFDF
Group Manager Dave Larrabee, K1BZ. Before relocating to Maryland in 1996 to
join the then-new HFDF Group, Mallay worked for 11 years at the FCC's
Anchorage, Alaska, Monitoring Station. During her years in Alaska, she was
active in the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club. Larrabee says Mallay enjoyed ham
radio and had planned to make it an important part of her retirement.
Although Mallay had planned to retire last fall, she agreed to stay on at
the HFDF facility until March to help train new personnel. Survivors include
her mother and several siblings. Arrangements are incomplete.

* ARRL COO to speak at Communications Academy 2007: ARRL Chief Operating
Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B, will be a keynote speaker during the 2007
Communications Academy, Saturday and Sunday, March 31 and April 1, on the
campus of Seattle Pacific University <>. Kramer
will speak about the future of ARRL and its role in Amateur Radio emergency
and public service communication. John Cline, W5USN, also will be a featured
speaker. Cline directed the Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services from 1995
through 2003, leading the state's response and recovery for numerous
disasters and emergencies. The 2006 academy attracted more than 200
attendees, most of them radio amateurs. The Communications Academy is open
to anyone with an interest in emergency communications, volunteer or
professional. Presentations are designed to promote the development of
knowledgeable, skilled emergency communicators who will support their local
communities during a disaster or emergency response.

* New England's "Hosstraders" hamfest calls it quits: Sponsors of the
Hosstraders Tailgate Swapfest -- a New England Tradition for more than 30
years -- have announced that last October's event was the last. "After
careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue hosting the event,"
said a statement on the Hosstraders' Web site <>.
"A combination of factors have led to this difficult decision. We want to
take things out on a high note, while we can still be proud of our efforts."
The swapfest, an outgrowth of the 75-meter "Hosstraders Net," debuted in
1973 in Seabrook, New Hampshire. It subsequently took up residence in
Deerfield, Kingston, Rochester and Hopkinton, New Hampshire. Joe Demaso,
K1RQG, Norm Blake, W1ITT (ex-WA1IVB) and Bob Tiffany, W1GWU, have been the
Hosstraders' prime movers from the outset, and the event, held spring and
fall, became as much a social gathering as a place to buy, swap and sell ham
radio gear. Over the years, Hosstraders donated some $1.3 million to the
Shriners' hospitals. Demaso, Blake and Tiffany cited problems with site
logistics, competition from Internet auction/sales sites and the change in
the direction of Amateur Radio coupled with "the fact that we have done it
for a third of a century and we are getting old and tuckered out," as
reasons for throwing in the towel. They say they plan to "relax and play
radio" now.

* AMSAT-UK issues call for colloquium papers: AMSAT-UK
<> has issued a call for papers for its 22nd
International Space Colloquium, Friday through Sunday, July 20-22, at Surrey
University, Guildford, England. The colloquium is the UK's flagship amateur
satellite and space event. Presenters should send submissions as soon as
possible via e-mail to event organizer Dave Johnson, G4DPZ <>.
The deadline to receive submissions is mid-June. AMSAT-UK also invites
suggestions for program topics and speakers for this year's colloquium. Send
these as soon as possible to G4DPZ. Future calls for papers will invite
papers on specific subjects. You do not have to be a member of AMSAT to
attend the colloquium. Additional details will be posted on the AMSAT-UK Web
site as soon as they're available.

* Brazilian power company launches BPL pilot project: According to media
reports, Brazilian power distributor Eletropaulo plans to begin testing
broadband over power line (BPL) Internet service in São Paulo, Brazil.
Eletropaulo reportedly has been conducting BPL lab tests for the past three
years. The reports indicate that the utility now considers BPL to have
reached the point where it's economically viable to offer it to residential
users. Eletropaulo is hoping to attain throughput speeds of 200 Mbps.
Eletropaulo provides electrical power to some 5 million customers in two
dozen Brazilian cities. Details of BPL equipment to be deployed and any HF
frequencies to be used in São Paulo are not yet known. Late last year, a
public BPL pilot project went on line in the Regional Administrative Center
of Restinga on the outskirt of Porto Alegre, Brazil. That system uses
Mitsubishi BPL hardware. Although BPL testing has been conducted in Brazil,
there have been no commercial deployments.

The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American
Radio Relay League: ARRL--the National Association For Amateur Radio, 225
Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259;
<>. Joel Harrison, W5ZN, President.

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential and general news
of interest to active radio amateurs. Visit the ARRL Web site
<> for the latest Amateur Radio news and news updates.
The ARRL Web site <> also offers informative features
and columns. ARRL Audio News <> is a
weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled and edited from The ARRL Letter. It's
also available as a podcast from our Web site.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or
in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to
The ARRL Letter/American Radio Relay League.

==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):
==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL,
==>ARRL News on the Web: <>
==>ARRL Audio News: <> or call

==>How to Get The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from
ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail
ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site
<>. You'll have an opportunity during
registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW
bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including
delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member
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modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot
change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the
Members Only Web Site.)

The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these

* ARRLWeb <>. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be
posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.)

* The listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio
Club: Visit Mailing Lists@QTH.Net
<>. (NOTE: The ARRL
cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.)


The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly summary of essential news of interest to active amateurs that is available in advance of publication in QST, our official journal. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise and readable.

Much of the ARRL Letter content is also available in audio form in ARRL Audio News.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

Back issues published since 2000 are available on this page. If you wish to subscribe via e-mail, simply log on to the ARRL Web site, click on Edit Your Profile at the top, then click on Edit Email Subscriptions. Check the box next to The ARRL email newsletter, the ARRL Letter and you will receive each weekly issue in HTML format. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):

Editorial questions or comments: John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, at


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OS X Mail (Mac)

Use the "View/Message/Plain Text Alternative" menu item.


Use the "Message text garbled?" link in the drop-down menu at the upper right of the displayed message block. pine, alpine Set "prefer-plain-text" in your ~/.pinerc configuration file: feature-list=..., prefer-plain-text, ...


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