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Contest Soapbox

2012 ARRL September VHF Contest

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    01/08/2013 | W1RT/R

     I had the opportunity to rove again with John W1RT.  We ran into numerous problems along the way, but managed to stay on the air until the very end. I posted a full article, pictures and video of the adventure at: Read More

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    11/13/2012 | w9ii/r

    Had tried the contest in Jan. 2012 as a base, used a vertical 2 meter / 440 antenna. Made a few contacts but wanted to explore the ssb portion more. Decided to try the rover class for Sept. 2012. Fabricated a trailer hitch mount, Installed three antenn... Read More

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    11/03/2012 | N0JK

    Had a short Es opening on 50 MHz to Georgia and South Carolina Saturday evening. Any Es is a special treat in the September VHF contest. W3GMT EM92 was strong to EM28 for about an hour. Also worked WA4NJP, W4IMD EM84 and WB4PPW.  But after seeing all t... Read More

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    10/01/2012 | K9JK/R

    As we did in 2010 and 2011, Mike, WB8BZK, and I took the CoROVERolla
    on a "Run and Gun Limited Rove" travelling just over 1600 total miles
    with 15 Grids visited during the contest time.

    With help from the N2MH RoveSite Locator web pages, some info that... Read More

  • 09/13/2012 | n6ze/rover

    I activated DM03 & DM04: most QSOs were made from near the LAX Intl Airport, Marina Del Ray, and 2 spots in the Santa Monica Mountains; all but 2 QSOs were made from LAX Section; 92 QSO > ( 127 QSO Points) times 16 Grids = approximately 2032 Points tot... Read More

  • 09/13/2012 | n6ze/rover

    I activated DM03 & DM04: most QSOs were made from near the LAX Intl Airport, Marina Del Ray, and 2 spots in the Santa Monica Mountains; all but 2 QSOs were made from LAX Section; 92 QSO > ( 127 QSO Points) times 16 Grids = approximately 2032 Points tot... Read More

  • 09/13/2012 | n6ze/rover

    I activated DM03 & DM04: most QSOs were made from near the LAX Intl Airport, Marina Del Ray, and 2 spots in the Santa Monica Mountains; all but 2 QSOs were made from LAX Section; 92 QSO > ( 127 QSO Points) times 16 Grids = approximately 2032 Points tot... Read More

  • 09/13/2012 | n6ze/rover

    I activated DM03 & DM04: most QSOs were made from near the LAX Intl Airport, Marina Del Ray, and 2 spots in the Santa Monica Mountains; all but 2 QSOs were made from LAX Section; 92 QSO > ( 127 QSO Points) times 16 Grids = approximately 2032 Points tot... Read More


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