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Bootleggers ??

Mar 15th 2012, 22:13


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I have been a Life member of the ARRL for over 20 years and in 2008 I had to go QRT for quite a spell until 2012, Upon getting back into the swing I checked into EQSL and found A BUNCH of Cards from 2011 until I believe December, Is anyone else or has anyone else been bootlegged?? Anyone that worked NA8DX in the last 4 years has probably worked the bootlegger!!
Mar 16th 2012, 22:21


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Too bad about the QRT period, but glad you are back! I think what has happened is that you are seeing the results of people "busting" some other call into NA8DX. If these are phone QSOs that you are seeing, the calls really _could_ be 9A8DX, or N8DX, or some other similar variant. On CW you might see busted calls from NA9DX or NA7DX, for example. These sorts of copying errors are very common. Today there are many calls that are quite similar. So, I wouldn't worry about what you are seeing being caused by a bootlegger.

73, Dave, NN1N (aka N1NN, 9N1N, NN1NN, NN1R :-) )
Mar 20th 2012, 06:59


Joined: Mar 19th 2012, 14:18
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Ya, I agree with NN1N. These are most likely not a bootlegger, but much more common issue of how eQSL works. If someone has a call that can be confused (which could be easy with too much speed or an accent or a poor fist) then eQSL will be filled with these waiting for you. Just decline them. Most likely just a mistake from poor sending. No biggie.

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