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combining 2 meter and 70 cm quad antennas Dec 23rd 2019, 10:25 2 5,547 on 23/12/19

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combining 2 meter and 70 cm quad antennas kc3ogc on 23/12/19
I built a four element , 2 meter cubical quad which had an SWR between 1.1 to 1 and 1.4 to 1.
I then added 70 cm elements on the same boom and tried to feed it by jumpering a piece of coax from one too the other. With that arrangement the swr for both bands was unuseable. My question is what is the proper way to feed these two antennas with a single 50 ohm cable. My guess is that I messed up the impeadance when I jumpered the two together, I just do not know how to correct it. Thank-you. KC3OGC

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